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萨拉斯能否在英伦再度掀起蓝色狂飙?Another hue of blue for Marcelo Salas?

显而易见,近年来,中国的专利数一直在狂飙。China’s patent surge has been evident for years.

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风,云,漩流,狂飙,无用的群星!Winds, clouds, whirlwinds, gusts, useless stars!

那些开偷来的车狂飙和驾车抢劫的年轻人都是无业游民。The kids who are joyriding and ram-raiding are unemployed.

你可知道“乐团狂飙”在这儿是多么的重要?You know how big is this whole Bandslam thing around here?

狂飙可以学会控制他那不记后果的鲁莽吗?Will CYCLONUS ever learn to control his savage recklessness?

几乎只够一次呼吸的时间,所以请准备好进行一次能量狂飙。Barely enough breathing room, so get ready for a powerful ride.

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我们的目的制造一个稳定的赛道狂飙,使他有长久的生命力。The goal is to make a robust TrackMania to give it a long life.

狂飙是个不顾一切的家伙,以至于其他霸天虎伙伴也惧怕他。CYCLONUS is so reckless that even his own DECEPTICON allies are afraid of him.

曼联上半场就狂飙突进,半小时之内就让比赛失去了悬念。The Reds ran riot in the first half, ending the game as a contest within half an hour.

战斗的狂飙突击是一种瘾,强效而致命,因为战争本身是一种毒品。The rush of battle is often a potent and lethal addiction, for war is a drug. ---Chirs hedges.

通过狂飙式的奔跑,他希望于物理存在中“抖出”精神之存在。He wishes to "shake out" his spiritual being out of physical being by running as fast as he can.

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骑着电动车狂飙的总裁大人和巫魅也知道。Ride chief executive officer's adult and sorcery evil spirit of motor car hurricane to also know.

一个游戏中的赛道狂飙系列是联合国永远,这是提供免费下载和播放。One game in the series is TrackMania Nations Forever, which is available for free download and playing.

灌了一打劣质啤酒,我准备钻进车里开始狂飙,你觉得怎么样,托德?After I've had an entire 12-pack of cheap beer, should I get in my car and start driving? What do you think?

在英德绿茵争斗的狂飙时期,这场比赛开局还是老样子。It had begun in familiar fashion, in the sturm und drang of a sporting conflict between England and Germany.

锡古尔达个红牛道路狂飙下跛赛上,一名单车骑手的脸装到了安全墙上。A rider crashes face first into a security wall during the Red Bull Road Rage bike downhill race in Sigulda, Latvia.

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他到某个城市上一堂课,就能让当地的红薯卖疯了,“防癌蔬菜”价格狂飙。A presentation by "the doctor" would drive local sales of sweet potato and "anti-cancer" vegetables up a few notches.

宅男幸福的第四天,快乐指数狂飙上涨,却也面临着疲劳指数的上升。The happy family boy fourth day , happy exponent hurricane go up, but rise being also confronted with the weary exponent's.

当不可思议突然变成无法避免,在不可能的世界中狂飙突进,你不可能独善其身。When the unthinkable suddenly becomes the inevitable, without pausing in the realm of the improbable, then you have contagion.