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我想他们错过了募捐。I guess they passed the hat.

我们明天开始募捐。We start the collection tomorrow.

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根据他的倡议而发起了募捐。By his suggestion the contribution was raised.

所有教会都会募捐。It's just kind of--all churches take up money.

他们决定靠募捐的办法来筹集这笔款子。They decided to raise the money by subscription.

他们想要为绿色希望工程募捐。They wanted to raise money for Project Green Hope.

我们已经募捐了一些钱,想寄给你们。We have saved some money and want to post it to you.

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帕丽斯·希尔顿往募捐袋里放了张百元钞。Hilton put a one-hundred note into the collection bag.

妈妈,我需要拿点儿钱给学校的募捐者。Mom, I need some pennies for our fund-raiser at school.

使徒行传里的募捐哪里去了,我们不知道。What happened to the collection in Acts? We don't know.

所以,成功募捐的基础其实是人际关系。So successful fund-raising is really relationship-based.

他们筹划举办一个大型募捐活动。They were going to stage a large-scale money collecting.

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一个募捐箱绝不仅仅是一个用来投放硬币的箱子。A Blue Box is not just a pushke into which coins are put.

他们决定举办一次烘烤食品义卖进行募捐。They decided to take up a collection and hold a bake sale.

布兰登和BookEnds开始帮助那些想发起自己的书籍募捐活动的人。Brandon and BookEnds help others start their own book drive.

周五,它又回来了,而且正赶上了这次徒步走募捐活动。But returned again Friday, just in time for the walk-a-thon.

我将募捐,筹集几个英镑,以举为这个办公室聚会。I'll whip round and raise a few pounds for the office party.

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他们为新的青年活动中心募捐。They passed the hat to raise funds for the new youth centre.

我们广发募捐贴,人们尽其所能来帮助。We passed the hat and people gave what they could to help out.

我们正在为即将从公司退休的老弗雷德进行募捐。We're having a whip-round for old Fred , who's leaving the firm.