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他写了一本内战史。He authored a history of the Civil War.

我不会点燃美国内战的第一炮。I cannot fire the first gun of the war.

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他结束了193年爆发的内战,建立了塞维鲁王朝。He ended civil war which began in 193 A.

全国规模的内战已经存在。Country-wide civil war is already a fact.

发动内战并非必要,发动内战将使我们陷入错误的境地,它将消灭我们。It puts us in the wrong. It will kill us!

乍得的恩贾梅纳因为内战惨遭破坏。N'Djamena of Chad is ruined by civil war.

然而,罗马内战尙未结束。The Roman Civil War, however, was not ended.

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在美国内战前期辉格党成员。Whig Party in the US in pre-Civil-War times.

武士则发动叛乱,引发内战。The Warrior then rebel, raises the civil war.

全国避免了一场内战,但仅仅是险而又险地避过。The country avoided a civil war, but only just.

从1916年开始,内战就在破坏着这个国家。Civilwars wracked the country from 1916 onwards.

如果他出访肯尼亚的话,可能会引起一场内战。If he went to Kenya, he might cause a civil war.

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多年的内战产生了严重的后果。The years of civil war have exacted a severe toll.

一个联合国的专家咨询组发出警告,指出也门离爆发内战不远了。UN panel warned that Yemen was close to civil war.

汤姆都剌是北卡罗莱纳州的内战老兵。Tom Dula was a Civil War veteran in North Carolina.

但是这场英国内战的结果却与它的观点大相径庭But that's not the outcome of the English Civil War.

在一场腥风血雨的内战之后,他们于1975年上台执政。They came to power in 1975 after a bloody civil war.

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国家被内战分裂为两个严阵以待的政府。The country was sundered by civil war into two states.

就我个人而言,它也是以色列民族自身的一场内战。I think it's also a civil war of Israel against itself.

卡迪斯下降到民族主义者在西班牙内战。Cadiz fell to the Nationalists in the Spanish Civil War.