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富有创造力、才华横溢、聪明绝顶。Creative, talented, brilliant.

她是才华横溢的钢琴家。She is a prodigiously talented pianist.

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海明威是才华横溢的作家。Hemingway is a writer of remarkable genius.

阿信,不但拥有帅气的外表,而且才华横溢。A Xin is not only handsome, but also talented.

我从来没有见过象他这样才华横溢的人。I have never seen such a talented man as he is.

她深爱他的才华横溢和古道热肠。She loved his brilliance and his generous heart.

他们写得太才华横溢、太清晰了,When something is brilliantly and clearly written,

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葛利不仅爱思考,更是才华横溢。"Cori is talented beyond thinking like a worm, " Dr.

他不但才华横溢,而且为人耿直。He was not only very talented, but also very upright.

他曾写过朗朗上口的歌曲,是一个才华横溢的职业舞者。He wrote some catchy songs. He was a brilliant hoofer.

刚开始工作的时候,你才华横溢,意气风发,相信“天生我才必有用”。At the beginning of the work, you talented, high-spirited.

杰姬混迹于这些才华横溢的人之间。Jackie was running around with all these brilliant people.

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但她觉得她就是这学校最才华横溢得人。But she thinks she is like the most talented kid in the school.

我非常有幸能与诸多才华横溢的学者共事。I have been lucky to be able to work with many talented coauthors.

他们聪明伶俐,他们才华横溢,他们值得信任。They are very smart. They are intelligent. They can be counted on.

是的。我爱他的英俊,爱他的腼腆和他的才华横溢。Yes. I love his good-looking, his shyness and his supereme talent.

他们一直是一支才华横溢的球队,兴奋。They have been brilliant before. Exciting, fast-breaking and smooth.

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他是一位才华横溢的象棋高手。他要把她一点一点地逼上绝路。He is a brilliant chess player. He is trying to eliminate her bit by bit.

我的这位朋友才华横溢,天生擅长描述自己的所见所闻所感。My friend is brilliant and by nature a describer of things felt and seen.

他才华横溢、果敢坚毅,也许是美国最出色的现场教练。He's brilliant and gutsy , perhaps the best on-the-field coach in America.