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坏消息才有销路。Bad news sells.

我出的书将会有销路的My book will sell.

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让我给你找销路吧。Let me market it for you.

这个设想本身就有销路。The idea will sell itself.

设计有销路的服装。The design of saleable garments.

这些新型的VCD机销路好得不得了。The new models of VCD sell like fun.

这些商品没有销路。There is no market for these articles.

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这种电视没有销路。Ther's no sale for this kind of TV set.

冰淇淋在暑天销路好。Ice-cream always goes well in hot weather.

商品的质量好才能有销路。Commodity with good quality can be salable.

包装对产品的销路有很大关系。Packing is connecting with the product saling.

我们标价较高的货品今年销路很好。Our higher-priced articles sold well this year.

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质量可靠的产品总能有畅旺的销路。Quality-reliable products will always sell well.

丝绸服装的销路不错。The silk garment is a widely marketable product.

这种型号的电脑可能很有销路。The type of computer may be very marketable in my.

他们正在尽最大努力以打开销路。They are doing their utmost to open up an outlet.

我们要很有信心这个产品在市场上是有销路的。We want to be confident the product is marketable.

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我们正在努力为此项商品找销路。We are striving to seek the sale for this product.

你的榅桲和凤梨芭乐销路挺快。Your quinces and pineapple guavas have gone quickly.

对不起,先生,吉祥物已经卖完了。它们的销路很好。Sorry, sir, we're out of them now. They sell so well.