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我爸爸喜欢素色的领带。My father likes plain ties.

我正在寻找一件素色短裙。I'm looking for a solid-colour skirt.

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打头的五位家长都抽到了素色球。The first five parents selected plain wooden balls.

在一场不明就里的素色岁月里,我掩埋那一地的阳光。In an unknown plain years, I bury the ground sunshine.

我喜欢素色衬衫、条形领带和传统的黑鞋。I like plain shirts, striped ties, and regular black shoes.

在两名教师的注视下,她打开了一个素色球。As two teachers watched closely, she unwrapped a plain ball.

普通人通常只能穿未染色的素色服装。Common people were often restricted to un-dyed plain clothes.

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他总是穿着一件样式简单的素色国服。He always wore a very simple national dress of a pale colour.

他喜欢将素色衬衫与带有明亮图案的领带搭配。He liked to mix plain colored shirts with bright patterned ties.

在针对女孩的抽签中,Shim太太将球搅和了一下,然后抽出了一个素色球。In the lottery for girls, Ms. Shim mixed the box a little, then pulled out a plain ball.

但是,一条浅印花的淡绿领带和一件素色衬衫堪称是完美组合。Still, a light green tie with a subtle print can pair well with a neutral-coloured shirt.

我们可以想办法将素色布在六周内装运.但印花布得延至八周.We could manage the plain rolls in six weeks. The prints might be put off to eight weeks.

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给背景选择一个素色,然后从上面使用放射性渐变工具一直拖到中间。Choose a solid colour for the background, then drag out a radial gradient from the top centre.

这种药丸是科学家根据番茄红素,即番茄中红胡罗卜素色素,研究开发出的。Scientists developing the pill based it on lycopene, the red carotene pigment found in tomatoes.

橙色能给淡雅居室点燃激情,如同素色的空间里跳动的火焰。Orange can ignite passion to quietly elegant bedroom, as the jumpy blaze in plain coloured space.

一个素色的地图是因为有多家公司经过,但是这仍值得一看。A more neutral-colored map might have benefited the paths and icons, but it's still fun to look at.

云南瑞宝天然色素有限公司生产的红花黄色素色素的主要成份是红花甙。Yunnan Natural Pigment Co. , Ltd. Ruibao yellow pigment produced by the main ingredient is carthamin.

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素色深沉的背景墙,唯美洁白的婚纱,正式庄严且神圣的仪式感。Plain dark background wall, beautiful white wedding dress, formal sense of solemn and sacred ceremony.

有欧美风格系列、雪尼尔绒类系列、色织提花系列、素色印花系列。Contain Euro-American style series, chenille series, Jacquard series, Plain printing and dyeing series.

该系列是属丙烯酸类,包括37个素色色母、8个银色色母和15个珍珠色母。This series belongs to acrylic system, including 37 solid color tints, 8 silver tints and 15 pearl tints.