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他开始叫喊起来,呆头呆脑地咒骂着。He began to cry and swear foolishly.

他看上去呆头呆脑,实际上很聪明。He looks a fool, but he is really clever.

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他们才不会呆头呆脑地找上我的前门来。They knew better than come to my front door.

我永远也不能让这个呆头呆脑的东西运转。I'll never get this bone-headed contraption to work.

他是位呆头呆脑的人,大家不重视他的意见。Being a stick-in-the-mud, people don't value his opinions.

曼希沃的妻子鲁意莎,是下等阶级的一个呆头呆脑的女人。Louisa, Melchior's wife, was a stolid woman of the lower class.

按照我的经历,大多数商学院的学生都是些呆头呆脑的家伙。In my experience, the majority of B-School students are lemmings.

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他们呆头呆脑的,没意识到你这个人根本是没有什么教养的。Yankees haven't sense enough to know that you haven't any gentility.

他这个人呆头呆脑,无法管理这个部门。He came across as a dull-witted manager incapable of running the department.

她呆头呆脑地望着他,他呢,也同样呆头呆脑地注视着她。She looked at him stupidly, and he, with equal stupidity , returned the gaze.

“你这个呆头呆脑、罗里罗嗦的小傻瓜,”她尖声叫道,“你为什么不照我的吩咐去做?”You dunderheaded little jay, " she screamed, "Why don't you do as I tell you?"

马特饰演的乔伊是这个小团体中呆头呆脑的开心果。As Joey Tribbiani, Matt LeBlanc played the loveable male lunkhead of the group.

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如果她宁愿去看蟑螂和胀饱了的袋鼠,她一定是觉得克雷杜克先生呆头呆脑。She must find Mr. Craddock precious dull if she prefers blackbeetles and stuffed kangaroos.

请为一场大型针对美国呆头呆脑的多动症儿童的达尔文式空袭做好准备吧。Prepare for a massive Darwinian strike aimed solely at the ADD infested nerd-children of America.

这使得浪漫色彩减少为陈词滥调,而剧中的第三者成了一个呆头呆脑的角色。It reduced the romance to platitude , and the third person in the drama to the appearance of a stick.

动物园里有憨态可掬的大熊猫、毛色奇特的金丝猴、呆头呆脑的亚洲象,温驯胆小的长颈鹿等。The zoo has a panda panda, golden monkey, strange color dull-witted Asian elephants, gentle timid giraffes, etc.

你们所说的就是这样一个上帝――一个乡巴佬,一个笨手笨脚、呆头呆脑、自高自大、毫无修养的土包子。That's the kind of God you people talk about Da country bumpkin, a clumsy, brainless, conceited, uncouth hayseed.

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小儿子卢克看起来依旧呆头呆脑,还会不知好歹的去骚扰可怕的邻居。Young son Luke looks as before idiotic, still meet the goes annoying dreariness neighbour of not know what's good.

那人睁开眼,大叫起来,以为敌军派来一个地狱上来的小妖,呆头呆脑,傻笑着拿他的小命来了。He opened his eyes and yelled, thinking that the enemy had sent a fatheaded, smiling devil out of Hell for him early.

这天下午,贝奇·萨契在学校里那无人的院子里呆头呆脑地走来走去,心里觉得很凄凉。In the afternoon Becky Tatcher found herself moping about the deserted schoolhouse yard, and feeling very melancholy.