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我们需要有序的晶体。I want an ordered solid.

所以声速在不同晶体中是不一样的。Speed of sound is different.

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见异质接面双极电晶体最后两项。See last two items in HBT set.

双极性接面电晶体。The Bipolar Junction Transistor.

用激光晶体囊膜截开术治疗效果明显。It can be treated with YAG laser.

所以呢,光能就能通过晶体。So what happens? It goes through.

这些其实是酒石酸晶体。Those are tartaric acid crystals.

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具有完整的立方八面体晶体,高强度和热稳定性。It's a cubic crystal inside of it!

所以晶体会具有最低的能量。It'll go to the lowest energy state.

这是一个三维的晶体。This is a three-dimensional crystal.

薄膜晶体三极管的缩写。Abbreviation of Thin Film Transistor.

我们如何得到离子晶体?Where do we find these ionic crystals?

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实际上,它可能保存住晶体。It might actually preserve the crystals.

在晶体中,它们不能自由地平动。In the crystal, it can't freely translate.

此类晶体的基本形状为一菱面体。The basic form of this crystal is a rhomb.

肯定的是晶体在小水滴状时生长迅速。Crystals grow faster in small drops anyway.

它将是一维的晶体。It's going to be a one-dimensional crystal.

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电晶体放大器的线路图。A circuit diagram of a transistor amplifier.

电压控制的晶体振荡器?。VCXO? Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator?

应用重原子法测定了晶体结构。The structure was solved by heavy-atom method.