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获胜的马是一匹完全不起眼儿的冷门马。The winning horse was a rank outsider.

哈,我可是年年失望年年盼,真希望爆出个大冷门!I really hoped to see a great surprise.

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今年的金马奖爆了个大冷门。This year's Gold Horse Award had a really unexpected winner.

男子自由体操决赛几乎爆出冷门。There was almost an upset in the finals of the men's floor exercise.

今年热门的行业几年后很可能会成冷门,这是常事。Way too often what is hot this year won't be hot a few years from now.

冷门的、增长停滞的行业往往出大牛股。Great companies in cold, no growth industries are consistent big winners.

假使他们能在第二回合后来居上,淘汰曼城,那也称不上是冷门。It would be no shock if they recovered to eliminate City in the second leg.

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然而,直到第四届世界杯才出现了第一个真正的冷门。However, it wasn't until the fourth ever World Cup that the first upset occured.

在非名校任教的老师或者是教冷门科目的老师往往赚得更多。Teachers can earn more by working in unpopular schools or teaching unpopular subjects.

你会发现,一些冷门的品牌排名甚至低于我们的名单的顶级销售商。You'll find that some less popular brands rank even lower than our list of top-sellers.

比赛中,这个名不见经传新手爆出了冷门,获得了冠军。In the contest, this barely known new hand came to as the sleeper, and won the championship.

但是在独立摇滚乐迷当中,对于冷门乡村音乐的兴趣却是史…But among indie rock fans, interest in the outer margins of folk music is at an all-time high.

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随着第一记冷门诞生,叛逆的瑞士人或许会毁掉梦幻决赛。With the first upset of the tournament the iconoclastic Swiss may have spoiled the dream final.

在瑞典举行的世界短池游泳锦标赛中爆出了许多冷门。There were many unexpected results during the World Shortcourse Swimming Championships in Sweden.

结果拉科鲁尼亚以总比数五比四晋级,爆出欧联有史以来的最大冷门。So Depor progress 5-4 on aggregate in what is surely the greatest Champions League upset in history.

上面提供了关于廉价旅游、冒险旅游、非常规冷门旅游等的信息。It offers news and information about cheap travel, adventure travel and off-the-beaten-path travel tips.

一位前总统,约瑟夫·埃斯特拉达候选人。他的声望近来攀升,有爆出冷门。Another former president, Joseph Estrada, has enjoyed a late swing in his favor and could provide an upset.

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在大部分即使战略游戏都将海战设为冷门,但是红色警戒3可不对深海而畏缩。While most RTS games keep naval gameplay at the periphery, Red Alert 3is not shying away from the high seas.

你要知道,爱因斯坦是公众人物,世界闻名,而我们有这个冷门的消息。You have to remember, Einstein was a huge public figure back then, world famous, and we had this story cold.

首先我们来看一下在墨尔本举行的澳网的新闻。在比赛的第三天,并没有大的冷门爆出。But let's start in Melbourne where there haven't been any big upsets yet on Day 3 of the Australian Open Tennis.