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整个下午他坐在那里不声不响。He sat there silently for the whole afternoon.

我觉得老天会不声不响地永远下着雨。I felt that it would rain forever, noiselessly.

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她尽可能做到不声不响地离开房间。She left the room as inconspicuously as possible.

像拐角的路灯,不声不响的爱着谁?Like the corner of the street, make no reply love who?

官方历史就这样不声不响地改头换面了。An official revision of history was quietly taking place.

他们还听人讲到他如何不声不响地关注他人。They also heard about the quiet ways he took care of people.

阿拉丁大喜过望,但不声不响地回到自己房间中。Aladdin was overjoyed, but, saying little, retired to his chamber.

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又有人不声不响的扛起铁锨、镢头等开荒去了。They make no reply to the shoulder, and open up wasteland to shovel pickaxe.

范妮得到了安静,苏珊也懂得了不声不响地做活的乐趣。Fanny had peace, and Susan learned to think it no misfortune to be quietly employed.

苏比不声不响地站着,两手插在口袋里,一见警察就露出微笑。Soapy stood still with his hands in his pockets and smiled at the sight of brass button.

女孩泪流满面,央求让她不声不响地到押车员车厢里去算了。The girl, tears streaming down her face, begged to be allowed to slip into the guard's van.

在马车后轮之间,一条瘦骨嶙峋的长腿杂种狗不声不响地跟着。Underneath the wagon, between the hind wheels, a lean and rangy mongrel dog walked sedately.

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绵羊在剪刀面前是不声不响的,因此他们也不得开口说话。Even as sheep before their shearers are dumb, so they were not permitted to open their mouths.

当沃尔特再次看到他的时候,他又以过去那种不声不响、意气消沉、卑躬屈节的态度伏在他的办公桌前。When Walter saw him next, he was bending over his desk in his old silent, drooping, humbled way.

而亨利·阿姆斯特朗却与这种恐怖气氛相冲突,只是“不声不响地坐了起来”。Sunk in this grim stage Henry Armstrong fails to hold to the tone and simply "tranquilly sat up".

我不声不响的,带来自己这个包袱,尽管我不喜爱自己,但我还是悄悄打开。I make no reply, bring their own this burden, though I don't like myself, but I still quietly opened.

真是个可爱的文静人儿,她来了,总是不声不响,女人家就该这样嘛。She did, and a sweet quiet thing she is, with never a word to say for herself, like a woman should be.

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练过武术的格罗斯已经不声不响地溜到枪犯身后不到几吋的距离了,而枪犯丝毫没有察觉。Gross, who had studied martial arts, slipped to within inches of the unsuspecting gunman, whose back was to him.

冉阿让也看到听到了一切,他不声不响地脱下自己的制服,把它扔在那堆制服上。Jean Valjean also had seen and heard, and he had silently removed his coat and flung it on the pile with the rest.

妳总是不声不响地走进我的心房,在漫步时,望著蓝天和那总是飘渺的山岚。You always stepped into my heart quietly while I was strolling, staring at the blue sky and the mist in the mountains.