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他那俊美的双眼里有一种摄人心魄的表情。His handsome eyes had a charming expression.

他不俊美吗,而且还那样殷勤地讨妻子喜欢。Hadn't he been handsome, and eager to please his wife?

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忽然,宫殿广场上出现了一位俊美的男孩。Suddenly, a handsome boy appeared on the palace grounds.

他甚俊美,生在押沙龙之后。He was also very handsome and was born next after Absalom.

他面色光红,双目清秀,容貌俊美。He was ruddy, with a fine appearance and handsome features.

那个俊美军官的形影是反映在表面的。The image of the handsome officer was reflected in the surface.

产品极尽奢华,品味扬其俊美。The product is extremely luxurious and the taste is so excellent.

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据说,他们不仅身材魁梧、力大无穷,而且形体俊美。They were said to have bodies of great size, strength, and beauty.

他是一个男孩,一名战士,俊美而凶狠,可敬却气愤。He is a boy and a soldier, beautiful and fierce, honorable and angry.

长得俊美是福气,但若具贤德的话则更有福气了。It is a blessing to be good-looking, but it is more so to be virtuous.

报道还补充说,梁光烈同时欢迎北泽俊美在今年方便的时候访华。Liang invited Kitazawa to visit China later this year, the report added.

毕竟,谁又能对一群长相俊美、嗓音动听的帅哥熟视无睹呢?Who could ignore the groups of good-looking guys with good voices, though?

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如果说聪明人容易长相俊美,那或许可以解释光环效应。If smart people tend to be good-looking, that might explain the halo effect.

你们会因为我是一个有钱受欢迎俊美的男子而给我投票吗?Should you vote for me just because I'm the rich, popular, good-looking guy?

这辆车外形俊美,车身钢板接合得工艺精良,感觉十分坚实。The exterior is handsome, the sheet metal fit craftsmanlike, the feel solid.

在其整个青年时代,人们发现这里的生活之美,一如自身之俊美。During their entire youth men find here a life in proportion to their beauty.

他是个可爱的,俊美的人,是个好学生还是个运动健将。Hes a really sweet and handsome guy, and hes also a good athlete and student.

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这女子又容貌俊美,她父母死了,末底改就收她为自己的女儿。whom Mordecai, when her father and mother were dead, took for his own daughter.

于是现在,你的这位俊美的男士被变成了同样美味的大块巧克力!So now, your tastiest stud is transformed into an even tastier hunk of chocolate!

杜小梅是农村的一个姑娘,心地善良长相俊美。Du Xiaomei is a countryside girl, the good-hearted appearance is delicate and pretty.