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所有的东西都空运。All of the items were freighted by air.

悬挂椅子是从苏荷空运过来的。The hanging chair is from Aero in Soho.

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有人怀疑柯林不可能把飞机空运过来。Some doubt Kirlin can get them airborne.

空运扭转了围攻战的战局。Airlift tipped the balance of the sieges.

你想要空运还是平邮?。Would you like it air mail or surface mail?

沙巴布最近解除了一项对空运的禁令。Al-Shabab recently lifted a ban on airlifts.

由于太危险,空运物资被取消。Airlifts have been ruled out as too dangerous.

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三个受伤的水手被空运离开船舰。Three wounded sailors were flown off the ship.

直升飞机把全队空运到运动会现场。The helicopter lifted the entire team to the meet.

我想空运的主要优点是快。I suppose the main advantage of airfreight is speed.

新鲜的刺身料理,均为每日空运来店。The fresh materials are transported by air everyday.

受伤的士兵已经被空运到那加兰邦。The injured soldiers have been airlifted to Nagaland.

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货运是通过空运货物到尼日利亚的哈科特港。Freight is through air cargo to Port Harcourt Nigeria.

空运药材进藏,成本很高。It is very costly to deliver medicine to Tibet by air.

他们向受洪灾的地区空运食物和药品。They flew food and medicine to the flood-stricken area.

我们再次受到召唤时,已是空运之后的60年。Sixty years after the airlift, we are called upon again.

正是这些渴望促成了空运的开始。It is because of these aspirations that the airlift began.

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每份空运运单有三份正本以及至少六份副本。Each air waybill has three originals and at least 6 copies.

我们想把这些物料空运到下一个停靠港。We want the stores to be air-mailed to our next port of call.

推论——反向行驶的PMT公交车总是空运行。Corollary----- PMT buses in opposite direction always go empty.