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第二个路口向向左转。Take the second left.

在第二个路口往右边。It's the second right.

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第一个路口向右转。Take the first right.

在第一个路口右转。Turn right at the first turning.

我们在叉路口分手。We parted at the fork of a road.

汽车在交叉路口相撞。The cars collided at the junction.

是的。请到西四街和银行路口。Right, West Fourth and Bank please.

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在交叉路口,那匹马往左偏转。The horse swayed left at the crossroads.

在第一个大交叉路口朝左转。Turn left at the first big intersection.

车辆在交叉路口拥塞起来。The traffic banked up at the intersection.

路口就有一家韩国餐厅。There is a Korea restaurant on the corner.

我在下个路口左转弯,到一个停车再开标志处。I take the next left turn to the stop sign.

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我有一个朋友在瑞金路路口。I have a friend in the Ruijin Road junction.

但一个智能路口可以挽救你的生命。But a smart intersection could save your life.

警察在主要路口指挥交通。Police directed traffic at main intersections.

直走到交通灯,然后在第一个路口左拐。Straight ahead at the lights, then first left.

三叉路口被公然用作“实弹射击区”。Road junctions were declared "live-fire zones".

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事故造成了三叉路口的交通堵塞。The accident blocked all traffic at the rotary.

你走到分叉路口时,要靠最左边的路线走。Bear left when you come to the fork in the road.

这两个朋友在两条公路的交叉路口相遇。The two friends met where the two roads crossed.