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怎样行走。How to walk.

是怎样的锤?What the hammer?

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它是怎样扩散的?How is it spread?

那怎样回答呢?How to answer it?

它的动力是怎样的?How is it powered?

能见度怎样?How is visibility?

怎样跳on2的萨尔萨?How to dance on 2?

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怎样解出X和Y的值How would I do it?

对了,那你怎样尿尿的?So how do you pee?

我们怎样才能预测?How do we forecast?

IOCP是怎样工作的?How does IOCP work?

怎样才能跑垒得分?How is a run score?

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风是怎样形成的?How is wind formed?

我们去约会怎样?Shall we go dating?

那么接下来会怎样?So what comes next?

事实真相是怎样的?What are the facts?

是通过怎样的渠道呢What's the conduit?

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这张台怎样?Will this table do?

来杯威士忌,怎样?How about a whiskey?

怎样才能跑垒得分?。How is a run scored?