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这家公司给我来了许多讨债信和催债电话。The company gave me dunning letters and calls.

安迪胡编乱造出一些药品名单和数量,骗住了讨债人。Andy spun out some drug list and quantity, cheat dunner.

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一名西班牙讨债者也正在使用公开羞辱作为胁迫工具。One debt collector in Spain uses public shaming a tool of coercion.

这种工作的工资是靠提成,你的报酬与你讨债的能力相关。It is commission-intensive, and you're paid on your ability to collect.

于是,老宛独自一人踏上了讨债之路。Thus, old Wan had to set foot on the road of debt collection on his own.

被债主追着上门讨债,连资金周转都成问题。Creditors chasing the door by flesh, even the capital turnover are dubious.

欣父规避追债没了踪迹,拖累欣母倍受讨债骚扰。Father of avoid dunning, no sign of drag more female debt collection harassment.

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向一个刚刚失业的人讨债等于落井下石。To demand money from a person who has just lost his job is hitting a man who is down.

秀玉最后提示淑梅今天往西面走,定能找到负心的大龙讨债。Xiu jade finally prompt shu mei today to go to the west and to find dragon for cheating.

他是一个善意的,但怯懦讨债谁曾爱上了一个美丽的幽灵。He was a well-meaning but cowardly debt collector who had fallen in love with a beautiful ghost.

但到了9月,每天都有将近100多人蹲点向他讨债。By September over 100 moneylenders were showing up at his premises every day demanding repayment.

胜美接到讨债人的电话,讨债人听到家里有人接电话,便要上门找事。Wins, got a call from the dunner dunner heard someone answer the phone home, I would come to fray.

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再添始终不答应卖新富的股权给金龙并直言应该向明章一个人讨债。Zaitian refuses to sell Xin Fu shares to Jinlong and tells him to seek payment from Mingzhang instead.

讨债人一见樊父确实中风,虽然底气不足,但是仍以他弟弟在住院的事情向胜美要钱。Dunner saw FanFu does stroke, although humbled, but still with his brother in the hospital to win us for money.

「威、震、江、湖」找到了臭口顺,一方面讨债,一方面质问九棍行踪。Threat, shock, river, lake, found a smelly mouth, on the one hand, debt collection, on the one hand, questioned nine stick.

经过调查,原来这是一起非法雇用打手讨债的案件,所有欠债的当事人都敢怒不敢言。After investigation, it was illegal hired thugs with debt collection case, all the parties in debt dare to anger cant speak.

美国的信用咨询师说他们愈来愈多的客户接到印度讨债员打来的电话。Credit counselors in the United States say more and more of their clients are being contacted by debt collectors based in India.

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“在印度,当一名妇女来找他要钱时,男人通常会感到羞耻”,讨债公司总裁帕拉格·萨汉表示。“In India, men often find it humiliating that a woman has come to them asking for money,” says Parag Shah, the managing director.

奥斯男爵最终承认失败,悻悻离去,旅店老闆及其他人追著他讨债。The baron finally admits defeat and leaves, pursued by the innkeeper and various other people who all demand payment of their bills.

好在叶城还算个有良心的包工头,他四处讨债,终于发了民工们的血汗钱,这才回到家。Thankfully, Ye was a conscientious contractor and asked the money back from his debtors and finally paid all the money back to the workers.