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还要拥有一个世外桃源。Still have a xanadu.

北海真是一个世外桃源。Behai was a real escape!

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现在回望过去,当时的世界就像一个世外桃源。Looking back at it, it seems now an idyllic world.

这里民风淳朴,有“世外桃源”之称。Here folkway is simple, and has the name of xanadu.

曾有一群雅士在此世外桃源享受最后的升平。Here in this pretty world Gallantry too its last bow.

在饱经战争磨难的欧洲,瑞士是和平的世外桃源。Switzerland was an enclave of peace in war-torn Europe.

蜿蜒盘曲的小路引领出现代生活世外桃源般的居住新体验。The wind road leads the new experience for modern life.

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这里是一个独一无二的人类和自然共有的世外桃源。What about making it a sanctuary for humanity and nature?

也许他原意很简单,就是想隐藏这个世外桃源。Possibly his original intention was simply to cover marvel's retreat.

事实上,梅村只是‘五项专注训练'这一机构所开设的世外桃源。In fact, Plum Village is a sanctuary of the Five Mindfulness Trainings.

因此,华丽环岛有都市中心的世外桃源这一美称。Thus, while the urban centres have Xanadu's Huandao the laudatory name.

王海说,这和他以前在商场的打拼比起来,简直是世外桃源。Wang said, and he had worked hard in the mall than it is simply paradise.

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外面街道上熙来攘往,一片喧闹嘈杂之声,那个公园坐落其间,真是安静的世外桃源。The party was a haven of quiet amid the noise and bustle of the streets outside.

港未来长洲的世外桃源,2008年全国女子花样滑冰金牌的冠军。Mirai Nagasu of Arcadia, 2008 National Ladies Figure Skating gold-medal champion.

费尔南德斯夫人认为阿根廷是在世界经济的慢节奏格局下“世外桃源”。Ms Fernández says that Argentina is "shielded" from the global economic slowdown.

山东药乡国家森林公园,现代都市人的世外桃源。Shandong Yaoxiang national Forest Park, the modern city's land of idyllic beauty.

两个团体的成员发现与摩伊和对棉兰老岛天堂的世外桃源。Members of both groups have found sanctuary with the MILF and a haven on Mindanao.

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随着优美的华尔兹歌曲的响起,大家仿佛沉浸在一个其乐融融的世外桃源。With a beautiful waltz song, everyone seemed immersed in a kaleidoscope of Xanadu.

试想原始水域,世外桃源的海滩,豪华水疗设施和住宿。Imagine pristine waters, hideaway beaches, luxury spa amenities and accommodations.

远离尘嚣的世外桃源,融入不同文化,终身难忘的记忆。Escape to private hideaways, immerse yourself in different cultures, life long memory.