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使用不自信、征询许可的身体语言Using Insecure, Approval-Seeking Body Language.

她征询卫斯里究竟推荐何人来担当此重任。She asked Wesley to recommend someone for the position.

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关于新的设计问题,已向他们征询过意见。They have been circularized with regard to the new design.

讲完话之后,他征询我们的问题和意见。After the speech, he invited questions and suggestions from us.

外洋客户亦可间接征询我店。Any oversea clients please send email to me or contact me directly.

对于一个特定的健康问题,要征询医生的指导。For a specific health problem, consult your physician for guidance.

见通过自上而下也可征询随着赛季的进行变得更热。See-through top may also be sought out as the season becomes hotter.

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你无需像再去征询别人的同意,而那是一个以财货为基础的经济体系的必然要求。You don't have to ask permission, as you do in a property based system.

政府还装摸作样的就此次调整征询公众的意见。The government has ostentatiously solicited public opinion about the change.

不过,据作家阿米提•瑞德所说,有的时候他们并不征询准妈妈的同意。But sometimes, according to writer Amity Reed, a woman isn't asked permission.

这类信件就是发函,也可称为“首次征询”。This type of letter is an outgoing letter and may be called a "First Inquiry".

收养一个男孩居然没征询她的意见,那她肯定不能同意啦!This had been done without her advice being asked, and must perforce be disapproved.

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与其他商业网站不同,“志愿者征询”网站界面友好并易于使用。Unlike commercial web sites, the VolunteerMatch site was uncluttered and easy to use.

向他们说明你所看到的,及它是如何影响你和你的工作的,然后征询他们的建议。Explain what you are seeing, how it is impacting you and your work, and ask for advice.

在Google公司,我们已经开始使用它来征询包括注册登记、问卷调查和杂项等信息。At Google, we've already been using it for signups, surveys, and miscellaneous mischief.

当顾客用西班牙语征询关于眼睑膏或者香水的建议时,就需要她们上前解答。They were the go-to people when customers needed advice in Spanish about eyeshadow or perfume.

总统当选人巴拉克奥巴马的副官们在征询议员们的意见,看侯德是否能够被确认下来。Aides of President-elect Barack Obama are polling senators, seeing if Holder could be confirmed.

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团队里除了沃茨,都经常向他征询意见。All the other hardware engineers on the team, except for Woz, usually came to Wendell for advice.

Jaua被授予在向查韦斯征询后签订征收法令的权力。Mr Jaua has been granted the power to sign expropriation decrees, in consultation with Mr Chávez.

行政长官在解散立法会前,须征询行政会议的意见。The Chief Executive must consult the Executive Council before dissolving the Legislative Council.