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里,双方更是唇枪舌剑,你来我挡,难解难分。In the next free debate, the two sides are more thrust, I block you, and neck.

成语“风马牛不相及”的典故,就是源于这一次交战前的唇枪舌剑。Idiom "irrelevant" the story is that it stems from a war of words before the war.

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在华盛顿,一项牵一发而动全身的气候变化草案陷入国会的唇枪舌剑已经好几个月了。In Washington, a far-reaching climate change bill has been bogged down in Congress for months.

他们的唇枪舌剑要比莫尔斯先生们沉着冷静的教条更刺激起他的思考。Their logomachy was far more stimulating to his intellect than the reserved and quiet dogmatism of Mr. Morse.

看完这些专家们的唇枪舌剑,我不禁为我们法律的某些地方的缺失感到深深的忧虑。After reading all the comments from various experts, I cannot help feeling great concern for some defects in our legislative system.

巴尔达诺表示这个夏季至少还会有四个新面孔,但是承认俱乐部想要得到他们确实要经过唇枪舌剑。Valdano claims that there will be at least four new faces to follow this summer but admits the club face a difficult task in acquiring them.

这两位年轻演员之间存在着真正的化学反应,他们之间的唇枪舌剑非常讨喜,而又绝不过分。There's real chemistry between these two young actors, and the barbs they toss back and forth at one another are just right, and never overdone.

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之前巴拉克和领队比埃霍夫唇枪舌剑,抛开教练自己组织球员开会,勒夫都睁一只眼闭一只眼。Before Balac and group leader compare the Egyptian Hove violent debate, abandons trains to organize the player to hold a meeting, Luff turn a blind eye.

一个标新立异的女人一旦冒犯了礼规,招致了唇枪舌剑的非议,再没有谁会象她那样飞快地跑去寻找尊严体面的庇护了。No one runs so hurriedly to the cover of respectability as the unconventional woman who has exposed herself to the slings and arrows of outraged propriety.

在竞选过程中,出现过唇枪舌剑式的交锋,但是克林顿参议员表示,她很荣幸和奥巴马竞争,也很荣幸地称他为朋友。There have been harsh words exchanged during the campaign, but Senator Clinton said she was honored to compete against Barack Obama and to call him friend.

第一个发言的是大会主持、戴帽子的韩国人郑梦准。我们自然又等着一腔陈词滥调的欢迎词,数小时的唇枪舌剑和一定乾坤的投票。The opening speaker was Korea's Chung, wearing his host's hat. We expected the usual platitudes of welcome and then more hours of conflict until the election.

直到我开始把这件事写成文字,我才意识到在与全国来复枪协会说客的唇枪舌剑中,我已经承认了正在考虑竞选总统。It wasn’t until I began writing this account that I realized that in my confrontation with the NRA lobbyist, I had acknowledged that I was considering running for President.

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在经过了一番唇枪舌剑之后,我们冷静下来,发现这种复古式的文学运动也有其积极和现实的意义。After passed through a violent debate, we get down calmly, discovered this kind restores the old -like the literature movement also has its positive and the reality significance.

这些东西只要我们按常理一推,便会发现其实章子怡很大可能是被冤枉的,但是她在公众的唇枪舌剑面前,只能是“哑巴吃黄连——有苦说不出”。But if we can speculate on this matter in a normal sense, we can probably find that Zhang has been mistconceived . But in front of the public’s abuses, she could only keep silent.

然而现实生活中,我们往往不能求同存异,当发现某一观点和主流的南辕北辙,大家就群起而攻之,不断地指责某种观点的持有者,唇枪舌剑,比战争还激烈。Whereas, in the real world, we always cannot bear any divergence. When we realize some point that is converse to the mainstream, we may rise and attack the opinion holder fiercely.

随着欧洲经济发展脚步放缓,以及越来越多的欧洲政客与愤怒的选民唇枪舌剑,摆在我们面前的问题是,欧洲大陆是否还有出其不意的绝招。With the European economy slowing and more European politicians battling with angry electorates, the question is whether the continent has any more rabbits to pull out of its beaten-up hat.

一些无伤大雅的语句或行为、没有得到满意的答复、或只是自己情绪变化,都有可能是导火线,引起怒火烧身、唇枪舌剑,甚至大动干戈。Some insignificant remark or action, not getting a satisfactory reply to a question or just moodiness are enough to set fire and cause anger, snappy remarks, arguments and even physical fights.

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那天,格朗泰尔、巴阿雷、勃鲁维尔、博须埃、公白飞和古费拉克一伙谈得起劲,你一言,我一语,混战正酣,不料从唇枪舌剑中突然出现了一种奇怪的严肃思想,穿过喧杂的语声。A severe thought, starting oddly from a clash of words, suddenly traversed the conflict of quips in which Grantaire, Bahorel, Prouvaire, Bossuet, Combeferre, and Courfeyrac were confusedly fencing.

整场演讲比赛气氛活跃,选手们激烈的“唇枪舌剑”之战一次次把比赛推向高潮,给清冷的冬日增添了一分热闹、欢腾的气息。The atmosphere of the contest was vivid and active, and the wonderful speeches from all the contestants pushed the whole competition to a climax, adding liveliness and happiness to the chill winter.