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你如何来定量衡量变化呢?How do you quantify change?

我们的白糖是定量供应的。We are rationed with sugar.

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他需要得到定量的因素。And, he needed to get quantitative.

其它的结果就不那么容易定量地进行描述了。Other results were less quantifiable.

我不定量给穷人一些钱。This is a sort of indeterminate color.

我不定量给穷人一些钱。I give indeterminate money to poor men.

他按定量发水给水手们。He rationed out the water to the sailors.

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我不喜欢定量或信贷放松。I don't like quantitative or credit easing.

棉花和棉布现在正实行定量配给。Cotton and cloth are being rationed out now.

人们的定量供应被限制为一星期一磅肉。People were rationed to a pound of meat a week.

需要定量你的ICAT采样中的蛋白质吗?Need to quantitate proteins in your ICAT sample?

一些地区将面临更为严重的定量配给。Some regions will face more than mere rationing.

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该法则基于半定量的条款。This method is based on semi-quantitative terms.

他领取定量配给他的那份香烟,然后送给别人。He took his cigarette rations and gave them away.

我们一会儿将定量地做一点探讨。We'll see that quantitatively a little bit later.

棕化药水是否有定量给料系统?Are the oxide chemistries on a auto-dosing system?

定量和转化分析都得到执行。Both qualitative and meta-analyses were performed.

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中国工厂起定量鸟图案悬锤产品的起定量可商议。This is a well carved netsuke that features a bird.

今年冬天可能定量配给食物。There may be a period of food rationing this winter.

用于定量称重亚麻的纤维或麻茎试样。Used to weight the flax fiber or flax caudex sample.