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他已经和詹妮同居了。He's ④ shacked up with Jenny.

与有权势的男人同居的女人。A woman who cohabits with a man.

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你能与别人同居一室吗?Can you share a room with others?

宁愿住在屋顶的一角,不愿与吵妇同居一室。I shared a room with him at college.

她和她的男朋友同居。She's shacking up with her boyfriend.

他正兴女友同居。He is shacking up with his girlfriend.

我听说他跟一个女人同居了。I hear he's shacked up with some woman.

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上帝发明同居,撒旦发明婚姻。God invented concubinage , Satan marriage.

假设你跟一个室友同居。Let's pretend that you live with a roommate.

他们未婚同居。They cohabit together without be in married.

大学生应该被允许同居。College students should be allowed to cohabit.

我听说他在和女友同居。I hear that he is living with his girl friend.

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我不想和一个陌生人同居一室。I don't want to share the room with a stranger.

研究生不应该允许同居。Postgraduates should not be allowed to cohabit.

他跟一个在柏林结识的女子同居了。He's shacked up with some girl he met in Berlin.

数以千计的人没有结婚就同居。Thousands of people cohabit without being married.

她拒绝在婚礼前与他同居。She refused to cohabit with him before the wedding.

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他爱上简了并已和她同居。Jane and Jack fell in love and eventually cohabited.

马克现在是一个受管制人士。他已经和詹妮同居了。Mark is a kept man now. He's ④shacked up with Jenny.

因为,天主只爱那与智慧同居共处的人。For God loveth none but him that dwelleth with wisdom.