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你就像一个满腹牢骚的小屁孩。You sound like a whiny brat.

如果你自己都满腹牢骚情况会怎么样呢?But what if you’re feeling grouchy?

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鸡和牛满腹牢骚在闲聊。A hen and a cow are chatting, both full of grievance.

这就是从对经济满腹牢骚中走出,并欢呼喧闹的方法!How to move from whining about the economy to whoopee!

狮子满腹牢骚,使丘比特感到厌烦。The lion wearied Jupiter with his frequent complaints.

为了这个梦想我要任劳任怨不再满腹牢骚。For my dream i will grin and bear it, without complaint.

怯懦的人总是把满腹牢骚向温和的人发泄。Timid people always wreak their peevishness on the gentle.

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占据马其顿人口总数1/4的穆斯林阿尔巴尼亚人也满腹牢骚。Macedonia's Muslim Albanians, a quarter of the population, are also griping.

一位男子对父母立下的规矩满腹牢骚,就连他回家晚了父母也会絮絮叨叨。One man chafes at his parents' rules and complains that his father grumbles if he comes home late.

他又敲了敲门,等了一会儿,可还是没人开门。于是,他跺跺脚,满腹牢骚地走开了。He knocked again and waited, but nobody opened the door. Then he stamped off , growling as he went.

当警察到达现场的时候,这名律师正在对他的昂贵BMW座车所受到的损害,痛苦地抱怨不已。他满腹牢骚的向警察嘀咕说。When the police arrived at the scene, the lawyer was complaining bitterly about the damage to his precious BMW.

一些人知道他们可能被妖怪欺骗了,于是满腹牢骚,开始数落商人甲。Some realized they'd been fooled by beings that might have been demons, and started to grumble and accuse the merchant.

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这样做的结往往是老生常谈,毫无作用而让员工失去方向或满腹牢骚。Too often these exercises end with a set of generic platitudes that do nothing but leave employees directionless or cynical.

尽管队伍中有人满腹牢骚,内斯托·基什内尔政府正伸开双臂欢迎移民的到来。Despite the grumbles of some in the queue, the government of President Néstor Kirchner is welcoming immigrants with open arms.

经常满腹牢骚,会令我们在基督里的新衣受损,令我们打回原形,回复老我的旧貌。Constantly tugging at a grievance can damage our new clothing in Christ and reduce us to the condition of the old, tattered self.

当一个满腹牢骚的卡车司机枪杀阿米绪人的5个孩子,阿米绪人通过完全不同的棱镜看情况,与我们看到的不一样。When a disgruntled truck driver shoots five of their children, they look at the situation through a completely different lens than we do.

尤其值得一提的是,那些在华开展业务、此前到华盛顿游说对华贸易关系正常化的美国公司,如今却常常满腹牢骚。Notably, the same U.S. companies in China that previously went to Washington to lobby for normalized trade ties with Beijing now often go to gripe.

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跟以往不一样,继频繁发生激进分子和满腹牢骚者持刀袭击事件后,中国警察在巡逻时已经能够携带枪支。Unlike in the past, Chinese police are now empowered to carry guns during patrolling following frequent knife attacks by militants and disgruntled elements.

从中期选举中,美国选民满腹牢骚的表现也可以判断,他们并不关心他们的国际贸易政策对马里农民的影响。American voters, judging by the embittered mood at midterm elections, are not ready to consider the impact of their national trade policies on Malian farmers.

员工觉得考核结果并未反映出自己的工作实绩,自己受到不公正待遇,因而满腹牢骚甚至萌生离意。Employee feel like checks result and does not reflect self work results, self accepts injustice pay , is full of gripes as a result budding even to be away from intention.