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标上音标后我就能朗读它了Oh, I got it so I can read it.

标上音标后我就能朗读它了“Oh, I got it so I can read it."

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咱们来学习一些音标。We are going to learn some phonetic symbols.

哪些音标最容易学呢?Which phonemic symbols are easiest to learn?

给划线词选正确音标。Choose the right sound of the underlined word.

在困难的日子里,我们一定要并辅音音标肩站在一起。We must stand side by side in our days of troubles.

而李老师却能拼出来音标,真佩服。Lee was able to spell phonetic teachers really admire.

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根据所给的音标写出单词。Write the words according to the phonetic transcriptions.

这些音标表示人发出的声音。These phonetic symbols represent sounds of the human voice.

我一定要好好的运用音标,来解决不会的单词。I must learn well phonic tone in order to unerstand unknown words.

今天的英语课上,韩老师把48个音标全都教完。Mrs. Han has taught us 48 phonic tone on the English Class of today.

音标的拼写通常会告诉你单词是如何发音的。The phonetic spelling will tell you generally behind a word is pronounced.

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然后我加了个音标就变成Fé,在巴西是信仰的意思。Then I put a little accent and it becomes Fé, which in Brazil means faith.

若音标成对出现,则左边为不圆唇音,右边为圆唇音。Where symbols appear in pairs, the one to the right represents a rounded vowel.

老师每天除了从字母和音标教起,还会教他一句口语。Every day the teacher would teach him letters and phonetics as well as one sentence.

爱似麻烦中文歌词一直以来我的英语就不好,尤其是音标和听力。Has always been my English is not good, especially the phonetic symbols and listening.

发音时声带可以振动也可以不振动,但是必须受到气流阻碍的音标。The airstream mechanism is how the air moves through the vocal tract during articulation.

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宽式音标和严式音标有何区别?举例说明。How broad transcription and narrow transcription differ from each other? Illustrate with examples.

音标,基本词汇,一个完美的现代字典,一本基本的语法书。Phonetic Symbol, elementary vocabulary, a perfect contemporary dictionary and a common grammar book.

音标、音长、重音、连读和节奏。这其中,无疑音标学习应居其首。They are phonetic symbols, sound length, word stress, liaison and rhythm, of which phonetic symbols go first.