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在治疗上重视补肝气,调理脏腑,可取得成效。In the treatment, nourishing the liver-Qi and regulating organs can be achieved positive results.

优化社会及自我认同是使男子肝气畅达、气血和调的关键。To optimize social and self identity is the key to make mens liver-qi smooth, and regulate the blood-pressure.

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结论大鼠皮质和海马GABAAR结合活性增加可能是PMS肝气逆证的重要机制之一。Conclusion Upregulation of GABAAR binding activity in pallium and hypothalamus may be one of the main mechanisms for PMS with liver-qi invasion.

不妨在烹饪蔬菜时加点醋、山楂等酸味食物,不仅开胃下饭,还能调理肝气。Cooking vegetables may wish to add a little vinegar, hawthorn and other sour foods, not only appetizers go well with rice, but also conditioning liver.

一种能调肾气,理肝气,益心气,延缓衰老的制剂及其制备方法。Preparation capable of adjusting the kidney-qi, regulating the liver-qi, enriching the heart-qi and preventing senescence and preparation method thereof.

因为春天万物复苏,肝也主生发,此时节肝气正旺盛,如果调理不当,肝气就会失调。Because the rebirth of spring, the liver is also the main hair growth, liver sections at this time is strong, if the conditioning properly, disorders of liver.

肝气逆证模型大鼠症状呈现期血清E2和P含量均呈下降趋势,肝气郁证模型大鼠血清E2和P含量亦较正常对照组明显降低。Liver-qi invasion rats E2, P contents showed a descending tendency as liver-qi depression rats had a similar change in serum in period of symptom presentation.

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探讨肝气虚与肝阳虚的病理机制,并结合名家的临床经验阐述从肝气虚与肝阳虚论治慢性乙型肝炎的临床意义。This article studies the pathogenesis of liver-qi deficiency and liver-yang deficiency, and elaborates their significance in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B.

若肝气郁滞,疏泄失常,则常见经行乳胀、经行心烦、经行善太息、经行情绪抑郁、月经先后无定期、痛经或闭经等。Be like sluggish of gloomy of diseases with such symptoms as coastal pain, sparse release is wrong, MenstruationWait without fixed, dysmenorrhoea or amenorrhoea early or late.

从肝气虚的理论渊源、病因病机、临床表现、鉴别诊断、治法、病案举例方面探讨肝气虚的证治。The syndrome and treatment of deficiency of the liver-Qi were discussed from the theoretical origins, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and clinical cases.

肝气不调、血液循行紊乱则会出现血瘀、血肿、女性月经不调、痛经、或闭经。The disturbance of qi flow of the liver and blood circulation may bring about such pathological changes as blood stasis or swelling, abnormal menstruation, dysmenorrhea or amenorrhea in women.