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赋有轻清的灵质,不能朽坏。And Empyreal substance cannot fail.

它是果断的,也是赋有目的的。It is always decisive and purposeful.

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赋有轻清的灵质,不能朽坏。And this Empyreal substance cannot fail.

卡达是一个赋有诗意的青年艺术家。Kada is a young artist full of lyric intentions.

儿童们仿佛赋有无限活力。Children seem to be endued with endless vitality.

只有这样,我才能让我拥有赋有意义的人生。Only in this way, could I have a more meaningful life.

她赋有魅力而且事业成功的丈夫这时却成了脱僵野马。Nick, her charming and successful husband, became a bolter.

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为打造一只赋有竞争力的球队,我们付出了很多努力。We're putting a lot of efforts to set up a competitive team.

色彩是赋有鲜明的时代感和时髦性的。Colors embody the vivid characteristics of the age and fashion.

狮子座更赋有激情,而双子座则更沉溺于他们自己的想法中。Leo is more passionate and Gemini more drawn in their own thoughts.

在托斯卡纳寻找松露菌听起来真是一种赋有田园色彩的假日生活。Truffle hunting in Tuscany sounds like an idyllic way to spend a holiday.

赋有乡村气息的湿地被喷泉和整洁的人造池塘所取代。Rustic wetlands are replaced with fountains and immaculate arti?cial ponds.

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但我最喜欢像古力特和博格坎普那样赋有创造力的球员。But I love the players who can create things like Ruud Gullit or Dennis Bergkamp.

你是灵感包装,充满智慧,由爱制成,有幸赋有才华的。You are inspiration-packed, wisdom-infused, made with love and blessed with talents.

她赋有魅力而且事业成功的丈夫这时却成了脱僵野马。Nick, her charming and successful husband, became a bolter. "And he was a real bolter.

只有他,作为总管,赋有这特权,特别是当总领病卧在床。Only he, as seneschal, was granted that privilege, particularly while the master lay ill.

弗洛斯特赋有独特的融合人与自然疏远和冲突之间关系的技巧。Frost has the skill of reconciling the conflict and alienation between human beings and nature.

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更要以人为本,只要具有人文肉体的装修设计,才赋有设计的灵魂。Must be humanist, only then has the humane spirit repair design, the talent has the design soul.

医学是医治的艺术,施之予有知、情、意及赋有人权的个体身上。Medicine is an art of healing which take place in object with knowing, feeling, willing and endowed right.

在文学发展史上,玄言赋有其自身的不足,但亦有其积极的意义。In the history of literary development, the metaphysical fu has its shortcomings as well as positive significance.