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克林顿说“他的历史充满着惊人的力量和刚正不阿的精神。His story is filled with an amazing strength and integrity of spirit.

在中国的传统艺术中,竹子往往代表道德上的正直,刚正不阿。In traditional Chinese art, the bamboo stands for moral integrity and uprightness.

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在中国的传统艺术中,竹子往往代表道德上的正直、刚正不阿。In traditional Chinese art, the bamboo often stands for moral integrity and uprightness.

他确信自己很正直,可以完美地扮演刚正不阿的人。Convinced of his own righteousness, he was the perfect impersonation of a man of rectitude.

一位刚正不阿而且修养良好的人,在任何情况下都不会揭别人之短。A well cultivated person with integrity will not throw dirt on others under any circumstances.

尽管如此,她的作品的写实性、刚正不阿、及寓意深刻性而广受赞誉。Nonetheless, her novels have been widely praised for their realism, integrity, and moral force.

如果你期望长子起到表率的作用,那他就一定会成长为一个刚正不阿或霸气十足的男子汉吗?If your eldest is always expected to set an example, will he inevitabey become upright and bossy?

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崔杰表示,谢晋是一个刚正不阿、非常认真的人。Cui Jie indicated that Xie Jin is one upright and never stooping to flattery, the very earnest person.

在中国的传统艺术和文学中,竹子和松树往往象征着道德上的正直和刚正不阿。In traditional Chinese art and literature, the bamboo and the pine tree always symbolize moral integrity and uprightness.

他的无私奉献和刚正不阿已经让他在每一个岗位上获得了最高的赞誉,我知道他会将同样的品质带入到白宫的工作中。I know he'll bring to the White House the same dedication and integrity that have earned him the highest praise in every post.

再神圣的东西说到底也比不上你刚正不阿的头脑。将自己解脱出来,回归自我,你一定会赢得世人的认可。Nothing is at last sacred but integrity of your own mind. Absolve you to yourself, and you shall have the suffrage of the world.

同时,出淤泥而不染的品性,昭示着主人身份的刚正不阿,独守一份坚持与执着。Meanwhile, the lightness finds the character, which makes clear identity of the owner fair, jealously guarding persist and perseverance.

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但是,刚正不阿并不能够解释为什么丁丁会成为欧洲文化史上的里程碑–他在大西洋此岸的重要性与超人在彼岸的重要性相当。But probity cannot explain why Tintin became a cultural landmark in Europe, as important on his side of the Atlantic as Superman on the other.

东汉刘秀登基之后,起用刚正不阿的董萱为洛阳令,是东汉光武年间有名的执法严格的官员。Eastern Han Dynasty, Liu Xiu was enthroned, he was introduced at the Dong Xuan upright so as Luoyang is famous between the East Han Guangwu strict law enforcement officials.

尽管苏特大法官的尽心尽职、刚正不阿无可挑剔,但他不爱表达的工作方法也让他在法庭内外的影响力大打折扣。But although Justice Souter's dedication and integrity were beyond reproach, his hermetically sealed approach to the job limited his influence on the court and outside of it.

苏轼一生坎坷,多次被贬,九死一生,但他虽处逆境,然而独立不依,刚正不阿,以乐观豁达的态度直面人生,为我们留下了宝贵的文学财富。Although Sushi had experienced a lot of hard work and a near escape, he still insists on his will and keeps his optimistic attitude to life. He left many valuable literary heritage.

如果你一直想要建立一个诚实与值得信任的机构,很明显就必须重新替换每个人,对于你们当前的时刻来说那些被公认为是刚正不阿的人。If you are ever to establish an honest and trustworthy establishment, it is obviously necessary to replace each person with those that are known to be right for the times you are in.

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影片热情地赞扬了彭总的赫赫战功,讴歌了彭总刚正不阿、直言敢谏、坚持真理、不畏权势的精神。Film praised illustrious battle achievement of Peng Zong enthusiasticly, eulogize Peng total upright not A, speak bluntly dare remonstrate with, hold to the truth, not the spirit of Wei ascendancy.