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她消气了。She has cooled down.

她很快就消气了。Her anger boiled away soon.

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让我们走走消消气。Let us walk to cool our tongues.

我现在气到没办法讲话。我要去走一走消消气。I'm too upset to talk right now. I think I'll walk it off.

让批评你的人消气,最好的办法就是使他们笑。The best way to disarm your critics is to make them laugh.

静静地等着,等他消气后后悔地去抱你。Waiting silently, embrace you regretting after he cools down.

静静地等着,等她消气后后悔地去抱你。Waiting silently, embrace you regretting after she cools down.

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要是圣徒恼了,在他消气之前不要向他祈祷。If the saint is annoyed, do not pray to him until he gets over it.

不管是什么公司,都会有大大小小的问题,所以先消消气。No matter what, there will be large and small, so to eliminate Getter.

没当妈妈生气的时候,您都会让妈妈消气,我真佩服您呀!Not when the mother angry, you can make mom feel relieved, I admire you!

静静地等着,等她消气后后悔地去抱你。Wait for quietly, penitence ground embraces you after waiting her to cool down.

她让我每次生你的气时做一块花边桌垫来帮我消气。She told me to make a doilies to help ease myself every time I got angry at you.

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同时还叙述了该消气剂的使用方法和要求。The application method and requirements for this getter has also been described.

律师从大衣里掏出一个酒瓶,递给医生让他喝一口消消气。The lawyer pulled a flask from his coat and offered the doctor a calming swallow.

如果你能够给打电话的人一个消气的机会,那么他一般会自动撤退。If you can provide the caller a chance to let off steam, often he'll wear himself out.

同样让你们都消消气,这样就能更平和,更理智地表达观点。It also lets you decompress so that you'll be calmer and more rational when you make your case.

改进的消气剂装配确保了器件的良好密封性能。The improved getter installation technology was adopted for improving the device sealing performance.

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假如发现自己在生对方的气,请做下面的消气练习。If you find yourself filled with anger toward your spouse, then do the following rage reduction exercise.

你说的没错,她非常生气。我可能要给她买一个消气戒指让她平息一下怒火了。Yeah, you're right, she's pretty mad. I might have to buy her an 'enragement ring' to smooth things over.

研制了一种由非蒸散型消气剂泵与冷阴极溅射离子泵组成的复合泵。A composite pump was developed which is composed of a non evaporable getter pump and a sputtering ion pump.