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买商店的自产商品。Buy store brands.

我买他们的商品。I buy their products.

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我只是逛逛橱窗里的商品。I'll just window-shop.

商品或全部跌停。All the goods or limit.

你们有商品目录吗?Do you have catalogues?

煤正在成为一种稀缺商品。Coal is becoming a rare.

这些商品好卖吗?Are the goods selling well?

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考虑非金有价商品。Think non-gold commodities.

货币是商品交换的媒介。Money is the meda of exchage.

这商品质量粗劣。The goods are bad in quality.

小贩叫卖他的商品。The peddler bawled his wares.

他们为买卖商品讨价还价。They dickered over the goods.

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这些商品是否都免税?Are all these goods duty free?

他总是买正牌商品。He always buy certified goods.

这些都是手工业制造的商品。These are all hand-make goods.

我建议你们购买这种商品。I suggest you buy this product.

商品上标了价格。Prices are marked on the goods.

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这是我们最畅销的商品之一。This is one of our bestsellers.

自由采购商品。Goods are open to free purchase.

牛仔裤是本店常备商品之一。Jeans is one of our stock items.