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她想要扬名世界。She wants to get about the world.

我认为雷克斯将会扬名四海。I think that Rex will go far and become famous.

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之后德国的恋物癖电影迅速扬名世界。Germans became quickly known for their fetish movies.

当一个“留名者”声名大噪之后,他就被认为是“扬名”了。When a tagger becomes well known, he is said to be 'up'.

但我相信他能在这里扬名立万。But I'm confident that he has what it takes to make it here.

众多淮扬名菜也就在这个历史时期诞生了。Huaiyang also many dishes in this historical period was born.

世界上有两件事情很不一样,扬名立万和保持声誉。One is to make a name for oneself and the other is to keep it.

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贝克特是第一个扬名国际的荒诞派作家。Beckett was the first of the absurdists to win international fame.

假如在篮球场上,你没有得分的强项,那还可以凭什么扬名立万呢?How do you make a name for yourself without scoring the basketball?

如果你是自己干,你也能被开始扬名立万或者遇到新客户。If you are self-employed, you can get great publicity or new clients.

比赛的胜出者不仅能得到丰厚的奖励还能扬名四海。The winners were not only given handsome awards but gained high fame.

克龙因在法庭上为新闻集团的低俗小报进行辩护而扬名。Mr. Crone had made his name defending the company's racy tabloids in court.

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中国太空计划的成功扬名世界各地,但其失败仍只是内部消息。Its successes are broadcast all over the world, but its failures remain internal.

这也是我们在欧洲舞台上扬名立万的机会。This is the opportunity for the club to really establish itself on the European stage.

朱塞佩。罗西希望下赛季回到曼联并在超级联赛扬名立万。Giuseppe Rossi wants to return to United next season and make his mark in the Premiership.

英国帅哥班尼希尔以他的可爱幽默在世界扬名,诙谐的歌曲,动人的微笑。Benny Hill is known throughout the world for his racy humor, witty songs, and winning smile.

像我们现代奥运一样,获胜运动员是使自己家乡扬名四海的英雄。Like our Olympics, though, winning athletes were heroes who put their home towns on the map.

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位于坎特伯雷的金字塔谷酒庄是一座以生物动力法扬名的新西兰名庄。Located in Canterbury, Pyramid Valley Vineyards is famous for being the Biodynamics advocate.

或许此举有助于他重新在这个圈子里扬名立万。Maybe this could be something that helps get his name back out there in the basketball circles.

高度的产业化,集成化使滕州玻璃扬名国内外!High degree of industrialization, integration to become famous at home and abroad Tengzhou glass!