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黄河两岸诞生了无数的英雄豪杰。Numerous heroes lived on both sides of the Yellow River.

正因为这样我们中华民族才不断涌出无数的英雄豪杰。That is why our nation has continually pouring countless heroes.

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有关英雄豪杰的残酷的事实之一是,他们也是由血肉造成的人。The one cruel fact about hero is that they are made of flesh and blood.

古代的大侠扬善除恶,个个都是英雄豪杰。Chivalrous men in ancient times did good deeds and destroyed evil, all of them were heroes.

各派英雄豪杰,为拯救岳飞,相约来到临安,实行劫狱。Each send heroic hero, to save Yue Fei, make an appointment to face how, execute goal delivery.

黄河流经山西,孕育了无数英雄豪杰、仁人志士。Yellow River flows through Shanxi, giving birth to countless heroes and people with lofty ideals.

滚滚红尘中的英雄豪杰,才子佳人,未来终将飘向何处?The heroic hero in billow human society, talent beautiful woman, will future wave eventually whereto?

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中华文明上下五千,出了多少英雄豪杰,也出了无数如花似玉的美女。Chinese civilization has a long history of 5000 years, which has produced a number of heroes as well as countless beautiful women.

长江朝东流去,千百年来,所有才华横溢的英雄豪杰,都被长江滚滚的波浪冲洗掉了。The great river eastward flows, with its waves are gone all those gallant heroes of bygone years. West of the ancient fortress appears the Red Cliff.

该节目的制作人被SPN采访和透露,”在完成排定的录影后,“英雄豪杰会”即将在本月内结束。The producers of the show spoke with SPN and revealed, "'After completing the scheduled recordings, 'Heroes' will be coming to an end within the month."

支持这项规划的人说,经过数十年停滞不前,斯科普里终于迎来了本应进行的改造,这座城市的英雄豪杰们是理应用大理石和青铜来缅怀的。Supporters of the plans said that, after decades of stagnation, Skopje would at last get the regeneration it deserves, its heroes commemorated in marble and bronze.

自古以来许多英雄豪杰,都因为把握不了自己的方寸而堕入情网,甚至落入温柔陷阱,从而使美人计成为36计中的一计。Since the ancient times, so many heroes couldn't help falling into the trap of love that the sex-trap has been regarded as one of the 36 stratagems in military tactics.

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我爱祖国不仅爱祖国悠久灿烂的历史文化,更爱爱国的志士仁人,英雄豪杰。I love the motherland is not only a brilliant long-standing love of the motherland's history and culture, but also love the people with lofty ideals of patriotism, heroes.