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医学预科?饶了我吧。Pre-med? Give me a break.

我主修的是医学预科技术。My major is Pre-med technology.

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我现在读医学预科。Well, I'm also doing a pre-med.

所以我最后选择了医学预科。So, I actually also started pre-med.

但是它真的很好,因为这是个医学预科兄弟会,But it's really nice because it's a pre-med frat

我选了经济学和环境科学的预科。I took AP Econ, I took AP Environmental Science.

请列出牙医预科或医学预科经历。Please list pre-dental or pre-medical experience.

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她打算继续读医学预科。She's continuing to be pre-med, which is fantastic.

马克22岁,在哈佛读完了法律预科。Mark is twenty-two and finishing pre-law at Harvard.

预科是高等教育的特殊层次。Pre-college is the special level of higher education.

但是那些我已经通过了预科考试,已经拿到了预科学分。But I tested out of that with AP, with some AP credit.

我在这所大学读了一年的德语预科。I took up one-year prior course in German in this college.

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如果你去私立学校,我想对于一个预科学校,If you go into a private school, I guess for a prep school,

他们会在四岁到十三岁上预科学校,they would go to a prep school often from they are 4 to 13.

牙科大学都要求2至4年的预科教育。Dental colleges require 2 to 4 years of pre-dental education.

在大学,我毫不犹豫地选择了医学预科课程。In college, I did not hesitate to select a premedical curriculum.

对于女孩,她们在四岁和十一岁之间去预科学校。And for girls, they go to a prep school between the age of 4 and 11.

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作为一个本科生,你可以签订一个物理治疗预科。As an undergrad, you can sign up for a pre-physical therapy program.

读预科时,你看见一个教授用光雾造出彩虹。At gymnasium, you saw a professor make a rainbow from light and mist.

兄弟,那条红裤子让你看着就像预科学校里的那群混球。Those red pants make you look like one of those jerks from Prep, bruh.