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我父亲是小业主。He is a small businessman.

小业主还贷款难上加难。Small property owners paying back loans.

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重庆站一众小业主之网上讨论地点。Virtual location for owners of CKX units to network.

我只是小业主,摆脱我不需要的树木。I am just the owner of a small property, getting rid of my unwanted trees.

这些小业主们,在他们自己的行当中,就是真正的至高无上的统治者。These little proprietors of businesses are lords indeed on their own ground.

一场全球性的金融危机将殃及全世界每一个角落的农民和小业主。A global financial crisis affects farmers and small business people in every corner of the globe.

他们更有可能会为小业主雇用新员工,提高劳动者的工资。It cuts them even more for small business owners that hire new workers and raise workers' salaries.

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全品提供简约、善的服务和整洁的客房,以低廉的加盟费及后期运营管理费用来吸引全球的中小业主。It offers some of the lowest entry costs in the segment, including initial and ongoing franchise fees.

马先生是一位普通的小业主,三年来只购买同一个号码,终于等到了幸福的来临。Mr. Ma is an ordinary small owners, only three years to buy the same number, until finally happy to come.

并结合乌鞘岭隧道的实际,讨论了“小业主、大监理”管理模式在该项目的具体实践。Combined the fact of the Wushaoling Longer Tunneling, the specific practice was discussed of management mode for Small Owner and Big Supervision in this project.

简单地说,新建商品房必须在开发企业办理初始登记后,购房小业主才能申请办理转移登记,领取房地产权证。Briefly, the new commercial housing development in the enterprise must handle initial registration, building owners can apply for transfer of registration of a property.

中国工程界形成了两类业主-监理模式,即“小业主-大监理”和“大业主-小监理”,这是世界工程领域两个创新性的概念。Two types of owner-consultant structure were emerging in the Chinese construction industry during the last two decades, small owner-big consultant and big owner-small consultant.

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几乎所有的个体经营案例中,小业主都是花费必要的时间将头脑中的信息转化为有价值的商品。In almost all cases of the self-employed, the small business owner is taking information out of his or her brain and spending the necessary time to convert it into a product of value.

房屋的未来交付,对于小业主来说是一种未来物权的期待权,这种期待权因为预告登记而具有排他性的效力。Housing for the future delivery, for a small property owners is a expectant right for future property, such expectant rights gain exclusive effectiveness because of notice registration.

特征描述共有22栋高层建筑,具有现代特色的大社区,一期的单位由开发商统一提供精装修,小业主提供不同风格及档次的家具。High-rise buildings in total. Big compound with Modern design, the units in phase one were renovated by developer in same style, individual landlords provides furniture in different level.

这时,就可以办理房屋转移登记,将房屋从开发企业名下转移到购房者个人名下,即通常所说的办理小业主的房地产权证。Then, they can apply for transfer of housing registration will be from the housing development business name to purchase personal name, more commonly known as the property of their owners.

分析了“小业主、大监理”管理模式的由来、特点,剖析了在该管理模式下对监理工作的相应要求。The origin and characteristics were analyzed of management mode for Small Owner and Big Supervision. The corresponding requirements was dissected of supervision work in this management mode.

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贸易协会、当地小业主联邦管理委员会办公室,代销商、银行、私人商务顾问能帮助你编制财务计划。Trade associations, local offices of the federal Small Business Administrations, prospective franchisers , as well as banks and private business consultants can help with financial planning.