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这一次首领决定亲自出马。Now the chief decided to go himself.

他一遇到这个20岁的女孩,就会立刻出马。He meets a 20-year-old and is immediately smitten.

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韩玄坐在城上,教黄忠出马。Han Xuan, sitting on the wall, sent Huang Zhong out.

这回,由老五取代老四出马了。This time the fifth brother took the fourth brother's place.

奥利佛•兰伯特清了清嗓子,决定亲自出马了。Oliver Lambert cleared his throat and. decided to get personal again.

但如果A-10出马,就能够利用低空飞行的优势。But if A-10 goes into action, can use the low-altitude flying the superiority.

不过现在看来,至少父母们已经开始亲自出马了。Now it appears that parents, at least are taking matters into their own hands.

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然而,圣经并没有正确地揭示出马利和以利沙白是如何有关系。The bible, however, does not reveal exactly how mary and elizabeth were related.

无师自通之后,村里人办喜事都会请他出马剪纸。Even without a teacher, the village people would ask him to run for paper-cut wedding.

此外,屋主可能得亲自出马,或使用手动控制,将刈草机推到它自己处理不到的角落。Owners may have to push a mower into tight corners or use the robot's manual controller.

严冬袭来,许多马主不自觉地取出马毯。When the cold winter weather hits, many horse owners automatically bring out the horse blankets.

政委与大队长磋商,想亲身出马把林振海压服到抗日阵营中。And gaott with captain consultations, and to experience the horse to crush LinZhenHai anti-japanese camp.

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科比知道是该大哥出马的时候了,他送给阿里扎一条鼓励的短信。Bryant figured Ariza was in need of a little brotherly advice, so he sent him an encouraging text message.

一天,他的一匹马逃出马厩,越过边界,跑到了胡人居住的地方。One day, one of his horses ran out of his stall, and passed through the frontier into where the Huns lived.

利用中间谐波分析方法,准确地分析出马钢两个轧钢厂的谐波结构情况。Interharmonics analysis is used to analyze accurately the harmonic structure in two rolling mills of Magang.

她初次出马就顺利通过了律师考核,而与她一道应考的人中有三分之一却名落孙山。She had passed the bar examination on the first try, while a third of those who had taken it with her had failed.

盖辛格出马买下了银行不远的商店,随后一切活动都在这里开始进行,开始挖掘隧道。Geisinger bought ran the store near the bank, then all activities are carried out here and began digging the tunnel.

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本月初,贝卢斯科尼亲自出马,谴责外国媒体是中左反对派的傀儡。Early this month Mr Berlusconi himself accused the foreign press of being at the service of the centre-left opposition.

不少国家的国王、大臣和富翁都想得到它,他们有的派人去捉,有的亲自出马,可是谁也没有捉到。Many countries of the King, the minister and the rich man wants it, they sent some , some in person, but no one caught.

据报道有七八位官员收受贿赂,市长决定亲自出马调查这件事。Seven or eight officials are reported to have taken bribes and the mayor has decided to look into the affair in person.