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他用手背抹抹嘴。He rubbed the ointment on.

我很熟悉这片土地,就像熟悉我的手背一样。I know the area like the back of my hand.

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描写她手背上地青筋。Describe the veins on the back of her hands.

手心对手背相互搓擦,交换进行。Rub each palm over the back of the other hand.

他用手背擦了擦前额。He rubbed his forehead with the back of his hand.

目的探讨手背静脉穿刺时疼痛程度最低的最佳部位,减轻患者的痛苦。Objective To relieve the pain of venepuncture in the dorsum of the hand.

手背是强壮有力的,没有特定的名称。The outside or back of the hand is sinewy, and has no specific designation.

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我用空着的手背擦了擦湿漉漉的前额,并且朝自己扇着风。I wiped my dripping forehead with the back of my free hand and fanned myself.

母亲哒哒地弹着舌,把手背贴放在海蒂的额头上。Mother clucked her tongue and held the back of her hand to Hattie’s forehead.

泰勒把碱液罐子拿起来,停留在我手背闪闪发光的吻痕上的一英尺处。Tyler tilts the can of lye an inch above the shining wet kiss on the back of my hand.

双手的手背及内侧,指尖和被按的肌肤先大量涂上KAYO’S紧实提升香薰胸部精华按摩油。Place a generous amount of KAYO'S Bust – for Firming and Lifting massage oil on both hands.

安努力地教海伦用轻敲手背的方法学习,并使用盲人点字法进行交流和学习。Helen and Anne worked hard using the tapping, and a form of Braille to communicate and to learn.

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先用手心将护手霜温热并且涂抹在整个手背处,可以用轻轻按压的方式进行涂抹。First with the palms to warm and protective hand cream smear across the back office, can smudge gently.

男招待把他的手举了起来,手背向着我,手背上赫然有一个吻痕。The bartender holds up his hand, the back of his hand toward me, a kiss burned into the back of his hand.

结论对于手背及手指软组织缺损采用尺动脉腕上皮支逆行皮瓣修复效果理想。Conclusion This method might have an ideal results to repair the defect of soft tissue of dorsal and finger.

不要破坏了好意。我的大儿子和我的小女儿回来了和我在一起。手心手背都是我的肉啊。Don't spoil a good time. My oldest son and my youngest daughter are back with me. My two halves on either side.

目的总结手背皮神经营养血管皮瓣修复手外伤的治疗方法和进展。Objective To review the methods and progress on repairing hand injury with dorsal neurocutaneous vascular flap.

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如果你嫌这样麻烦,也可以在手掌和手背涂抹抗菌的护手霜。If this is even too much to do, just grab some antibacterial hand gel and rub it into your hands, front and back.

毛刷的硬度到不致使你的手背划伤的程度旧可以使用了。If you can rub the brush across the back of your hand without scratching your skin, it's safe to use on your soft-top.

方法查阅国内外近年来关于手背皮神经营养血管皮瓣修复手外伤的文献,进行综合分析。Methods Recent literature on repairing hand injury with dorsal neurocutaneous vascular flap was reviewed and analyzed.