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多迷人的日出!And what sunrises!

蔼—一个迷人的女子。Ah--a charming woman.

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啊——一个迷人的女子。Ah--a charming woman.

保罗是个迷人的帅哥。Paul is a heartbreaker.

这是一家迷人的商店。This is an amazing shop.

她真是一个性感迷人的小妞儿!What a foxy dame she is!

有一对迷人的黑眼圈?My sister has black eyes.

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那是一次迷人的旅行。It was a fascinating trip.

这是让我觉得迷人的地方。That's what fascinates me.

她的微笑如此迷人。Her smiles are so charming.

无尽的迷人。It's endlessly fascinating.

在我看来你仍然很迷人。You still look great to me.

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神气活现的微笑是很迷人的。A cocky smile is attractive.

哦,是的!她是多么妖冶迷人的生物!Oh, yes! She was a coquettish.

她是一个迷人的年轻女士。She is a charming young lady.?

她是多么妖冶迷人的生物!She was a coquettish creature!

你的身段很迷人。You have an attractive figure.

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在捷运上的你是如此迷人。You're so charming on the MRT.

而且有我迷人的酒窝…And has got my charming dimple.

她给他迷人的一笑。She gave him a bewitching smile.