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位置服务。Location services.

山是不会变换位置的。It does not change.

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给他留好了个位置。Give him a position.

船货移动了位置。The cargo has shifted.

每件工具都放在应放的位置。Every tool is in place.

线缆位置和标签。Cable locations and labels.

大家都按指定的位置坐了下来。Everybody took their places.

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让汽车排挡置于空挡位置。Leave a car in neutral gear.

位置在肝脏上方。Located on topside of liver.

选择装订的位置。Select the stapling position.

我松了一口气,向我的位置走去。I exhaled and went to my seat.

或许,我仅仅错置了它的位置。Perhaps Ihave only mislaid it.

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这是世博园区的导游图,您目前的位置是在这里。This is your current. Position

确何建筑与谷歌地球上快照位置是一致的。in your Google Earth snapshot.

我们就能做到,要预知位置。So as to predict that location.

这就是8-201室的位置。There is the coordinates 8-201.

再举到开始的位置。lift back to starting position.

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我赶在他前头占了那停车位置。I beat him to the parking space.

海因斯在5201哈利大道位置。In 5201 Harry Hines Road "site."

把它放在咱们都能看到的位置。Putt it where we can all see it.