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本文主要研究开发新型酸奶—椰果酸奶。Nata de Coco Yoghourt was studied in this paper.

它的果酸配方能够去除干皮死皮。The AHA formula exfoliates away dry, chapped layers.

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微晶焕肤期间,请暂停果酸及去角质产品的使用。Acne and acne-prone skin should avoid using this product.

目的考察齐墩果酸滴丸的稳定性。OBJECTIVE To observe the stability of oleanolic acid dropping pills.

以薄层层析-分光光度法测定齐墩果酸的含量。And the content of oleanolic acid was determined by TLC-spectrophotometry.

核果和番石榴的芳香,与奶油糖果的果酸交织融合。Lifted stone fruit and guava aromas combine with butterscotch of malolactic.

齐墩果酸是女贞子中的主要有效成分。The main effective ingredient in Fructrus Ligustri Lucidi is Oleanolic acid.

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并研究纳米化齐墩果酸的溶解度及体外溶出行为。The solubility and dissolution of drug nanoparticles were also investigated.

如果皮肤是中性到干性的,你要找一找包含AHA果酸的润肤霜。If skin is normal to dry, look for moisturizers containing alpha hydroxy acids.

目的建立木凤胶囊中齐墩果酸的含量测定方法。OBJECTIVE To set up a method for determining oleanolic acid in Mufeng capsules.

清新的果酸与精致复杂的橡木发酵气息令此酒颇为丰饶而平衡。A rich wine balanced by fresh acidity and subtle, complex, barrel-ferment notes.

采用HPLC法测定提取物中齐墩果酸、熊果酸的含量。HPLC method was adopted to quantitatively determine the contents in the extraction.

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如果这样揉搓会刺激皮肤,就换用柔和的果酸面膜将死皮溶解。If rubbing irritates skin, try a gentle fruit-enzyme mask to dissolve flakes instead.

果酸与柔和的单宁颇为平衡,口感稳固而持久,并伴有甜甜的余韵。Bracing acidity and soft tannins on the palate, long and persistent with a sweet finish.

酒精成分令此酒有着脂般的质感,精致的果酸令其酒体颇为平衡。The alcohol gives the wine a creamy mouth-feel while the acid keeps the wine in balance.

淡淡的果酸及精致的余韵令其回味颇为悠远,怡人。A touch of acidity and remarkable length in the mouth make a consistently delightful finish.

青苹果的优雅清香与新鲜的果酸交织融合,相得益彰。It exalts the noble aromas of green apple with a crop acid and a very fine, persistent perlage.

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乳脂般的口感恰倒好处,与爽利的柠檬果酸达到完美平衡,令其回味清新纯净。The creamy mid palate is balanced with zesty lemon rind acidity, ensuring a clean fresh finish.

柑橘口味十分显著,与平衡的果酸交织融合,鲜爽而持久。The citrus flavors are evident on the palate which is crisp and lingering with balanced acidity.

酒体中等偏醇厚,果酸卓越而突出,是一款顶级水准的巴贝拉红葡萄酒。Medium to full-bodied with excellent concentration and tangy acidity, it is a top flight Barbera.