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绿、蓝、紫都是冷色。The cool colors are green, blue, and violet.

蓝、绿、紫则属冷色系。Blue, green, violet is cool color department.

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清淡柔和的冷色调正适合夏天。Cool pastel shades are just the right for summer.

暖色比冷色更有亲近感。Warm colors “pull forward” more than cool colors.

内景以灰色、白色、淡蓝色等冷色调为主。The main color inside are gray, white and light blue.

太阳的自然光会暴露冷色调打印。The sun's natural light will expose cyanotype prints.

小镇山丘上只有几只萤火虫在暗自的散发着淡冷色的光芒。Up here on the hill a few glow worms were lighting up.

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色圈可以分为暖色和冷色。The color circle can be divided into warm and cool colors.

冷色比比暖色更有距离感。Cool colors “push backward” or recede more than warm colors.

让你的冷色调打印喜欢看古董茶色调。Make your cyanotype prints look like antiques with tea toning.

各地汽车、火车、舰船笛声长鸣,防空警报鸣响,很多人身穿冷色调衣服以示哀悼。Many people wore clothes in cold colors of white, blue and black.

冷色可以挑起权威、建立和信任。Cool colors stir up emotions of authority, establishment, and trust.

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冷色系如蓝色和绿色,能产生平静的情绪。Cool colors such as blues and greens tend to evoke serenity and peace.

假如家里还充斥着大量的冷色调装饰,就太不合时宜了。If there still is many cold tonal adornment in the home, too malapropos.

冷色则给人平静的印象,给人一种缓和的感觉。Cool colors give an impression of calm, and create a soothing impression.

把你们两个或三个图像打印纸的冷色调与这些简单的技巧。Put two or three images on you cyanotype print paper with these easy tips.

史氏蝗莺是均匀的、冷色调的灰褐色,并且有著大嘴与长尾。Styan's is uniform and cold grey brown bird with a large bill and long tail.

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他用冷色调处理这幅画,如更确切些,是用了各种深浅不同的蓝色。He painted the picture with cold tones, if more exactly, with various tones of blue.

厨房中冷色的轻色调可以作为深色大体积家具的补充色。Lighter shades of cooler colors in a kitchen offset darker woods and large appliances.

男性的注意力更易被银色、蓝色、黑色、银色和棕色等冷色调吸引。The male eye is also drawn to cooler colors like silver, blue, black, grey, and brown.