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他在我们家是挑大梁的,所有的生活开销都由他提供。He's the big shoulders in our family who earns all the living.

我不想再挑大梁了,现阶段,我的身体已经不再允许那样做了,但是,我仍可以上场打球。I don't want to carry the load. At this stage, my body can't do that any more, but I still can play.

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每个蜂房只有一只蜂王,由它独挑大梁产下所有的卵——一天最多可产2000颗!There is only one queen, and she alone is responsible for laying all the eggs--up to two thousand a day!

此部电影由新人汤唯。香港影帝梁朝伟以及美籍华人歌手王力宏挑大梁。The film stars new actress Tang Wei, Hong Kong veteran Tony Leung and Chinese-American singer Leehom Wang.

当然,每个人都把目光盯在独挑大梁的Tmac身上,可是上个赛季姚明伤停的时候,他也是这样做的。Of course, everybody looks at Tracy McGrady taking over again, just as he did last season when Yao was down.

基本上,面对大量艰苦的工作,我要一个人挑大梁,钱要自己出,工作也要自己干。And so basically it was a lot of hard work and money had to come from me and the work had to come from me too.

任何人如想在商业界挑大梁,解决问题,就得很早就要学会安排事物的轻重缓急。Anyone who wants to become a problem-solver in business has to learn fairly early how to establish priorities.

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虽然北约士兵国籍未明,但是大家都知道米国大哥在此区域挑大梁。Although the nationality of the NATO soldiers killed was not confirmed, Americans were known to be carrying out most of operations in the area.

托雷斯在过去两个赛季在前锋位置上的独挑大梁过多地消耗了他的健康。The Merseyside club have found themselves too reliant on Fernando Torres over the past two seasons and Benitez is looking to bring in reinforcements.

如果有机会同曾经熟悉的人挑大梁的话,你现在可以重新与他们共事,结果绝对不会让你失望。If you are given the option of taking a top level position with someone you used to know and liked, you can work with them again now, quite successfully.

我踌躇满志地进入单位,却又一次失望地发现,这个世界仿佛一直是男人的,许多单位当领导的、挑大梁的,大多是男人。I'm full of ambitions into the unit, but again a disappointed to find, the world is like a man who is always the many units, the leadership of the plays, and when, mostly men.