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出口清单中货值最大的是高技术计算机和电子元器件等产品。Top of the list of exports are hi-tech computer and electronic components.

然而,事实证明无论是何种货币用于结算,都与我们的出口货值无关。However, it turns out that whatever currency is used for settlement is simply irrelevant to our export value.

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香港CEPA实施后,港产品对中国内地的出口货值呈现快速上升的趋势,但是这种趋势并不稳定。After Hong Kong CEPA's bringing into effect, export to Mainland China shows a zooming trend, but which is unsteady.

如个别货品缺货,一田保留权力以同等货值之货品替换。Whenever there is shortage of any specific goods, YATA reserves the right to replace by other goods with equivalent value.

银行发票是由进口海关特别要求的发票,用来进口货物的货值和产地。Customs Invoice is a special invoice required by importing customs to determine the values and origin of the imported goods.

公司是中国人民财产保险公司的签约代理公司,无论货值大小都可及时办理国内陆路货运保险业务。Is the Chinese people and property insurance agent signing, regardless of size can be in time for the value of domestic land freight transport business.

在司法和执法实践中,如何运用产品质量法计算“货值金额”是一个有争议的问题。In the practice of judicature and executing the law, how to apply the product quality law to calculating"the value of goods"is a problem which is contentious.

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按照相应的产品退换比例,卖方要给予买方以等值的赊购,赊购的货值在买方实际购买产品时付清。Seller to provide credit to the Buyer of value equal to the corresponding percentage of a replacement of the product, to be redeemed against future product purchases.

为规范产地证审单和签证工作,降低退证查询率,货值低报问题应引起关注。Certificate examination of documents and to regulate the visa work, reduce the rate of return card check the value of under-reporting problems should be cause for concern.

你想要投资者在欧洲和美国的重要的全球股市大跌的经济低迷,真正的转口货值建立投资信心,很难。You want to investors in Europe and the United States a significant economic downturn in global stock markets slumped, the real value of re-establishing confidence in the investment, it is difficult.