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海鲜是我们店的招牌。The seafood is our house special.

酒家正门挂着一块很大的招牌。There's a big sign in front of it.

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那块招牌被钉在了门的上方。The sign was nailed up over the door.

不久之后,“猫头派”变成了“馅饼天堂”的招牌啦!Then the pie will look like a cat head!

有一个大招牌,你不会错过的。B. There is a big sign. You can't miss it.

暗暗学会做谢丽儿的招牌土豆沙拉。Steal Cheryl's famous potato-salad recipe.

雅甘今年三十四岁,也是公司的招牌。Yagan, who is thirty-four, is also the face.

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这个电影明星以她招牌式的微笑结束。This movie star ends with her trademark smile.

巨型热狗作为餐厅的招牌。Giant hotdog used as the restaurant's signboard.

那么得体又带着一点时髦——招牌米歇尔。It was appropriate but a bit funky—pure Michelle.

狼现在已经成了黄石国家公园的招牌动物。Wolves are now the marquee animal in Yellowstone.

我想要一些招牌莱姆蛋奶冻…I would like to have some of that key lime custard.

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四大考验是扶轮的招牌之一。The Four-Way Test is one of the hallmarks of Rotary.

高官爵职,不过是坏小孩的某张招牌。High position and high title, just one of our brands.

他锤了一个大餐匙给我的饭馆作招牌。He hammered a huge spoon as the sign of my restaurant.

布帘招牌挂在烈日照射下的板壁上。The cloth sign hung against the planks in the hot sun.

王宝强招牌式的淳朴笑容从来没有变过。Wang Baoqiang's signature innocent smile never changes.

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我看着他们,把写着大大的法语字的招牌踩得粉碎。I look at them, put up big French word signs on shattered.

当然,还是有人已改变了自己的招牌。There are, of course, people who have morphed their brand.

站在远处看,招牌上炫目的中国字非常醒目。From afar, the bold glare of Chinese characters stands out.