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瞧,邻国的国王与王后带着礼物来了!Look, here they come with presents.

库拉索面临着与强大的邻国发生摩擦的危险。Cura?ao risks friction with a mighty neighbour.

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它应该与邻国有正常的关系。It deserves normal relations with its neighbors.

而它与邻国的紧张关系也未能促进国内团结。Testy relations with its neighbours do not help.

该国与邻国打了多年的仗。The country warred with its neighbors for years.

迪拜寻求得到石油资源丰富的邻国的资助。Dubai looks to oil-rich neighbor for possible aid.

其中三人在邻国瑞典有居留权。Three of them are residents of neighboring Sweden.

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那个间谍企图逃到邻国去。The spy attempted to escape to a neighbouring country.

圭亚那的盐都是从邻国进口的。Guyana imports all its salt from neighboring countries.

所有邻国都必须改变他们的施政基本原则。All neighbor states must revise their policy fundaments.

那个罪犯企图逃到邻国去。The criminal attempted to escape to a neighbouring country.

欧版债务危机是发生在邻国的一次危机。The euro debt crisis is a crisis coming to a nation near you.

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阿布扎比向邻国注资。它会要求回报吗?Abu Dhabi bails out its neighbour. What will it ask in return?

但是他说,阿富汗的邻国支持这个和平进程。But he said Afghanistan's neighbors endorse the peace process.

这种护教运动也延伸至邻国马来西亚。Defenders of faith have mobilized in neighboring Malaysia too.

在这两人执政的时期,俄罗斯还都入侵了它的一个邻国。Then there is the invasion by Russia of one of its neighbours.

第一次世界大战后,德国割让给邻国不少有价值的土地。He had been obliged to join the army during the first World War.

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他说,美国的这项对话,对埃及的邻国来说,不应该构成忧虑。He said the dialogue need not be a concern for Egypt's neighbors.

以色列与它的邻国要么相像,要么不像,这理论不好。Israel is either like or unlike her neighbors--that's not helpful.

日本已与邻国签署了一项和平协定。Japan has signed a convention of peace with a neighboring country.