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他面有喜色。His face beamed with delight.

她听到这个消息后面露喜色。Her face was lighted by the news.

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马克和康妮面露喜色。Mark and Connie both instantly beamed.

一提到茶他就面露喜色。He brightened up at the mention of tea.

她看信的时候面露喜色。Her face cleared up as she read the letter.

听到这消息他脸上露出了喜色。On hearing the news his face brightened up.

小而白,洁又亮,见到我你面露喜色。Clean and bright, You look happy to meet me.

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听到那个消息,她面露喜色。Her face lighted up when she heard the news.

她读信时面露喜色。Her face cleared up when she read the letter.

一阵眉开眼笑的喜色好象改变了老人的容貌。A wonderful joy had transfigured this old man.

一看到朋友她便面露喜色。Her face lightened at the sight of her friend.

苏听到这个好消息时面露喜色。Sue's face lit up when she heard the good news.

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拯救计划让华尔街的银行家们面露喜色。The bail-out gratified some Wall Street bankers.

一提到这些事情他们就面露喜色。They brightened up at the mention of these things.

我们一起走在校园里,每个人都冲我们微笑,我妈也面露喜色。We walked by the campus, with everyone smiling at us, my mom beaming.

当他收到录取通知书时脸上露出喜色。His face lit up with pleasure when he received the letter of acceptance.

喜色迎来新人居,月如钩,福庆笑语温情在今日。Such as hook up for a new residential, month, the celebration of laughter warmth in today.

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“我们正着力打造优质的产品并以较低的价格提供给消费者,”贝佐斯面露喜色地说。"We are building premium products and offering them at non-premium prices, " beamed Mr Bezos.

奥切太太把这小天使抱到大厅给主人看,他脸上才有喜色。Dame archer brought the cherub down to master in the house, and his face just began to light up.

“啊,那是怎么一回事?”国王伦恩说,面露喜色,“那段故事我没听他说过呀。”"Eh, what's that?" said King Lune, his face brightening. "I haven't heard that part of the story. "