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合伙人入伙合营Partner joins the company.

那好像是个仪式,入伙仪式。It was a ceremony, an initiation.

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我们决定让他入伙。We decided that he would come out.

他想拉特德入伙参加那个骗局。He tried to rope Ted in on that swindle.

那个男孩入伙之前犹豫了一会儿。The boy faltered for a moment before joining the group.

即使是在获得了“准许入伙”之后,主日学报还是使我感到枯燥无味。Even after receiving the "right hand of fellowship", Sunday school bored me.

贾小枪带人上山入伙,老疙瘩表示欢迎。Jia small gun take people up the hill to the partnership, welcome an old pimple.

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张说,她带来了一些华尔街积蓄的钱入伙。Zhang says that she brought more money to the partnership, from her Wall Street savings.

邱氏不会明白为什么MPS可以批准并分发英达镇的入伙纸。George also doesn't understand why MPS can approve the Bandar Indah and give them the OC.

入伙完全是自愿的,对不参加的人,决不会有直接或间接的惩罚。Membership was entirely voluntary, with no punishment either direct or indirect for not joining.

18“是让你当过,不过这跟入伙没什么关系,总的说来,强盗比海盗格调要高。Yes, but that's different. A robber is more high-toned than what a pirate is—as a general thing.

和其他与黑帮有染的人一样,皮斯通是西西里后裔并且会讲意大利语,于是他就被吸纳入伙了。Like many involved in the mob, Pistone was of Sicilian descent and spoke Italian, and they accepted him.

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最近,你的几位老同学希望你能入伙,和他们共办一家软件公司。Recently, a few of your old classmates would like you to occupation, and they were running a software company.

罗纳尔多的到来让红黑社团中的巴西帮又多了一个,但是他还想拉些兄弟入伙。Ronaldo has swelled the group of Brazilians in the Rossoneri camp, but is eager to further increase their number.

赵大等人见吴定邦也有抗日决心,于是劝他入伙,改名吴六。Zhao big who also have the anti-japanese determination to see wu, and advised him to the partnership, wu was six.

晁盖不满梁中书倒行逆施,计划谋事,并想拉杨志入伙。A surname builds push a reactionary policy of malcontent Liang Zhongshu, plan plan matters, want to pull Yang Zhi join the gang.

罗纳尔多发誓要在米兰打工到底,重新成为“一哥”,拉小罗入伙以及和莫拉蒂一起掰面包。Ronaldo pledges to end his career at Milan and become "Number One" again, bring Ronaldinho and break bread with Massimo Moratti.

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来信内容是劝俺入伙,并说如俺入了他们的“中性人联谊会”,宫中漂亮的男的女的由俺挑选。I was advised a letter from the occupation, And I said to them, such as the "neutral person club"Palace beautiful woman, man I select from.

紫凝新居甫入伙,便有便衣警员为其对面单位住客自杀案上门调查。Purple coagulation new house just to the partnership, have plainclothes officers for its residents suicide door-to-door survey across the unit.

除此之外,尽管让保守倾向的基民党“入伙”可以扩大阵营,但也可能会使中左阵线里面出现不和谐的声音。Besides, although an influx of conservative Christian Democrats would make the governing majority bigger, it would also make it more discordant.