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她翻箱倒柜的在底部寻找到她的钱包。She rummaged change from the bottom of her purse.

我翻箱倒柜地找了三个抽屉才找到手套。I rummaged three drawers before I found my gloves.

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但那时那些警察就是二话不说冲进来,翻箱倒柜。But the police just came through the gate and did this.

发现眼镜不见了时他翻箱倒柜找了好几天。He moped for days after he discovered they were missing.

他翻箱倒柜,找出一个手电筒。He rummages through a cupboard and retrieves a flashlight.

怎么找,被人翻箱倒柜搜索到四行诗。But how? Someone could have rummaged in my things and found the quatrain.

千万不要翻箱倒柜,当面立马将所有消极情绪都和盘托出。Be careful not to dump all of your negative feelings on your partner at once.

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余老夫人急赶回家,翻箱倒柜地找待救之物。She hurried home and turned everything topsy-turvy to find the lives to save.

余老夫人急忙赶回家,翻箱倒柜地找待救之物。She hurried home and turned everything topsy-turvy to find the lives to save.

翻箱倒柜找完我心爱的鞋子后,我的房间一片狼藉。My room was in a state of disorder after I searched through it for my favorite shoes.

布劳内尔在家里翻箱倒柜找了一套服装,赶紧冲到城里。Ms. Brownell rummaged through her house looking for the costumes, then rushed downtown.

然后跑到汽车的乘客位,钻入车内在小储藏箱内翻箱倒柜了一通。Lincoln runs to the passenger side of the car, crawls in and rummages through the glove compartment.

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我拒绝了她的邀约,第二天,我翻箱倒柜把所有能找到的猎头电话全找了出来。I declined her offer and the next day I was busy compiling the name of every head-hunter I could find.

格林尼大叔的常常在二手书店翻箱倒柜找寻稀有的印刷版本。All his life, indeed, Greene liked to fossick around in secondhand bookshops, looking for rare editions.

我曾问过她的生活,那就好像她在翻箱倒柜乱折腾一气似的回答我这个问题。I asked her about her life, and it was as if she rummaged around in a dusty chest to get me the answers.

家庭主妇更是翻箱倒柜,将过季的夏装和即将使用的冬装及被褥翻出来,清洗曝晒。Housewives are Life, a quarter will be renovated and used clothing and bedding through out cleansing insolation.

她的丈夫几年前死了,临死前,还清了这周六被你翻箱倒柜找便宜货的这栋房子的最后一期房款。Her husband died years ago, but not before he made the last payment on the home you rummaged through on Saturday.

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打扮你今天的衣着可能意味着你要翻箱倒柜来找出一件衣服,之后还要物归原状。Dressing for the woman you are today may mean cleaning out your closet and re-building your wardrobe from almost-scratch.

你想在塞满广告的邮箱中翻箱倒柜,仅仅为了找到来自老板的非常重要的邮件吗?Would you want to search through a mailbox full of advertisements simply to find that all-important message from your boss?

艾斯马开始在货车上翻箱倒柜,声言可能存在货车残骸中宝物的所有权。Aesma began to rummage through the caravan, claiming first right to any treasures that may have been stowed within the wreckage.