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龙头与分段的龙身,都用布连接。The cloth dragon has a separate dragon head and body, which is connected with cloth.

现在,快点。离我施展在龙身上的法术消散没多少时间了。Now, hurry. We do not have much time before the spell under which I placed the dragon expires.

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但最终在手盗龙身上,羽毛稳固了下来,并进化成为现代羽毛。"But finally in Maniraptorans, feathers stabilized and evolved into modern feathers," he says.

但最终在手盗龙身上,羽毛稳固了下来,并进化成为现代羽毛。"But finally in Maniraptorans, feathers stabilized and evolved into modern feathers, " he says.

青玉,阴线加镂空,为独身双头龙型,龙身盘成S形,线条流畅,可见微小跳痕。Sapphire, Yin line with hollow out, for single double dragon, dragons in S, smooth lines, visible tiny jump.

人体动作难度包含了龙珠、龙头、龙身、龙尾等四类人体动作子难度。Human body contains the difficulty of movement, bibcock, dragons, the dragon of human actions beaten four sons.

然而,这个兽足类巨大化理论最有力的支持,却来自对霸王龙身世的了解。The strongest support for this theory of theropod gigantism comes from what is known about the rise of T. rex, however.

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一口从鲨齿龙身上撕下巨大的肉块并造成致使的伤害,除霸王龙外别无其它。A bite from Carcharodontosaurus ripped large amounts of flesh and caused severe damage, but nothing close to Tyrannosaurus Rex.

他飞回到城墙,在城垛上落下,他的龙身随着他转化为人身而在摇摆着。He winged his way back toward the walls and settled on the battlements, his Dragon form wavering as he resumed his human shape.

整条龙全长约五十米,龙身由扎着水仙的绳子做成,龙头由竹和藤做成。The whole dragon has about50meters long the body is made of a big long rope bundled with narcissus the head is make of bamboo and bine.

备受瞩目的是来自霸王龙的近亲特暴龙身上的这个头骨化石。它被摆放于展览室的中央,周围没有设任何围栏。The prize skull, from a Tyrannosaurus bataar, a close relative of the T. rex, sat in the center of the room, with no barriers around it.

此款玉烟嘴选料为上等岫岩玉料,做工极为精细,龙身全部器官清晰可见。Cixin jade cigarette holder and waited for the election expected Xiuyan Jade expected, the work is extremely sophisticated, full body organs clearly visible.

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宝殿上端设有藏经阁及玉佛阁,正门入口有两条20米高的巨龙柱分立左右,龙身嵌上金色麟片,气势不凡。The Pagoda comprises a vihara and the Court of the Jade Buddha. A 20-metre column carved with giant gold-plated dragons on both sides guards the main entrance of the pagoda.

因此,少数古生物学家认为,那些体型庞大的恐龙很可能是在水中交配的,这样水的浮力可以减轻一些公龙压在母龙身上的重量。For that reason, a small number of paleontologists believe the larger species probably had sex in the water, where the male's buoyancy would take some stress off his partner.

于是,他们便将自己的始祖伏羲,描述是龙身人头、有着巨大力量的雷神,与世间的妇女结合后所生的,有着神奇力量的“神人”。So, they will own ancestor Fu Xi, describing the Dragon head body has a tremendous power of the Raytheon, combined with secular women who were born after, has magic power of "god."

在东方传说中,青龙身似长蛇、麒麟首、鲤鱼尾、面有长须、犄角似鹿、有五爪、相貌威武,而在西方神话里,龙更像是长翅膀的蜥蜴。In the east legends tsing lung body may teeth kirin first carp tail a long face to be may deer horn and got looks mighty and in the west mythology the dragon was more like long wings lizards.

年轻的高忠缚了一串鞭炮在长竹竿上面,手持着竹竿,自己站得远远的,站在墙边一把梯子上,把鞭炮伸到龙身上去燃放。Perched on a ladder against the compound wall, Kao Chung, a young male servant, extended a long bamboo pole with a string of bursting firecrackers dangling from one end, over the dragon's body.

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其动作的运行轨迹大都成圆形、弧形、螺旋形等,动作过程稳健,环环相扣,一气呵成,龙头、龙身、龙尾相互呼应,形成活灵活现的龙姿。Track their movements are running into a round, curved, spiral and so on, moves the process of sound connected, at one go, leading, long body, tail echoed each other to form a vivid dragons posture.