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就是他们了,我们的编剧。It's them, our scriptwriters.

所以﹐我可能会当编剧吧。So maybe I'll be a scriptwriter.

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此类编剧通常都在地方台工作。Continuity writers often work on the local level.

当然,这必须是编剧的良苦用心,包袱抖够了就该结尾了。In the end though, you've got to run for yourself.

编剧兼导演李强调,品种是关键。Writer-director Lee stresses that variety as the key.

墨菲于2007年与英国编剧西蒙·曼杰克结婚。Murphy married British screenwriter Simon Monjack in 2007.

像导演、编剧和制片人这一类制作人。for the production like directors and writers, filmmakers.

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同名小说由著名编剧王志军著。The novel of the same name by the famous writer Wang Zhijun.

2006年,杰克.吉伦希尔和奥斯卡颁奖礼编剧布鲁斯.维兰克Jake Gyllenhaal and Academy Awards writer Bruce Vilanch, 2006

编剧艾玛说,“我真的想变得和这个人物一样。”"She's someone I would really like to be," said creator Emma.

现在,他是成为用触键打字且成功的编剧。Now he works as a successful screenwriter, using touch-typing.

编剧帮助他将其所著小说改编成电影。The scriptwriter helped him to adapt his novel for the screen.

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大卫是个胸怀大志的编剧,也是我最信赖的朋友。David was an aspiring screenwriter and my most reliable friend.

仔细研读获得过奥斯卡最佳编剧奖的剧本,找到一种能体会什么样的剧本可以造就精彩电影的感觉。Get a feel for the kind of screenplay that makes a great movie.

德米尔可能有很多情妇,但他的编剧只有几个。DeMille would have many mistresses, but only a few screenwriters.

这位奥斯卡最佳编剧奖获得者被控过失杀人。The Oscar-winning scribe was charged with vehicular manslaughter.

这是由作家、学者、编剧等组成的评委对她的评价。This evaluation is from the writers, scholars, and scriptwriters.

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电影在导演,编剧等都有着许多可圈可点之处。Film director , scriptwriter and so have many of the worth noting.

这部侦探电影的编剧设计了一个很好的情节。The scriptwriter of this detective movie has designed a good plot.

我喜欢演戏、跳舞、编剧、设计还有自制卡片、手工布置布玩偶等。I love acting, dancing, script-writing, designing and craft-making.