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如何挑选五花肉?How do you choose pork belly?

用手搅拌五花肉。最后提前一天腌制好。Stir them by hands. Cure the pork one day early.

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我比较喜欢吃这里烤的五花肉,很香。I prefer to eat here baked wild-pigs, very sweet.

今天的梅菜五花肉其实很简单,是星期三的晚餐之一。This dish "Preserved Vegetables with Pork Belly" is easy to make.

将五花肉洗净,切成3厘米见方的块,用开水汆一下备用。Wash the pork, cut into 3 cm square block, with some back-up water Cuan.

将五花肉切成薄片,豆腐切片,下入煮沸的锅中。Cut into streaky pork thin slice, bean curd slice, bottom go into boil of pot in.

我们拿一块脖子肉,一块肥肉和一块五花肉。We take a piece of neck, a piece of fat and a piece consisting both of meat and fat.

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猪五花肉切成0.7厘米见方的丁,入开水锅中汆熟捞出。Pig pork cut 0.7 centimeters square Ding, cooked fish out into the boiling water pot boil.

推荐烤五花肉、烤牛排、大酱汤、石锅拌饭等。The recommended dishes are roast pork, roast beef stick, thick soya bean soup, and Bibimbap.

五花肉先用水煮熟捞出,用净布擦去肉皮上水分及油,抹上一层酱油使肉皮着色。Boil the pig belly, drain the water and fat oil up, coat soy sauce on it to change the colour.

割包可以选五花肉或瘦肉,中国的汉堡不输麦当劳。You can put pig's belly or lean meat in the steamed sandwich, which can beat McDonald's Big Mac.

香米软饭,糖醋五花肉,椒盐土豆,荠菜豆腐羹,苹果。Rice, Sweet and sour streaky pork, Spiced salt potato, Thick bean curd soup with green vegetable, Apple.

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然后我们准备肉。我们拿一块脖子肉,一块肥肉和一块五花肉。Then we prepare meat. We take a piece of neck, a piece of fat and a piece consisting both of meat and fat.

买肉一定要买带皮的五花肉,肥肉、瘦肉基本各占一半,一定要带猪皮,不然干脆不做。Buy meat must buy the pork skin, fat, lean the basic each half, must take the pigskin, or simply do not do.

韩国专家表示,韩五花肉价格短期内还将持续走高。Local experts believe the price of pork belly in South Korea will continue to soar in a short period of time.

本文研究了几种抗氧化剂对真空包装辐照熟五花肉中脂肪氧化的影响。The effects of antioxidants on lipid oxidation of vacuum packaged irradiated cooked streaky pork were studied.

炖、烧的丸子一般个头较大,如清炖狮子头、红烧四喜丸子等,要用猪五花肉。Stew, cooked meatballs are generally larger, such as stewed lion head, braised braised pork balls in Gravy Sauce, use pig pork.

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湘菜的缺点是经常使用五花肉和熏肉,吃上一口都会觉得自己的动脉硬化了。The downside to Hunanese cuisine is the frequent use of belly pork and bacon, which one can feel hardening one's arteries as one eats.

当然,最有名的要数霉干菜焖肉,此菜由霉干菜与五花肉组成,配以绍酒、糖等佐料,先焖后蒸而成。Among, the most famous is to cook it with streaky pork, with the assistance of Shaoxing wine and sugar, braised and then steamed, the dish is made.

吃五花肉的传家宝磨粒和番茄汁,新鲜捕获的鱼,或是一个熟练地准备干式熟成牛排与各种诱人的两侧。Dine on pork belly with heirloom grits and tomato gravy, freshly caught trout, or an expertly prepared dry-aged strip steak with a variety of tempting sides.