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我飞向梦想的天际。I fly to heaven dreaming.

一个翱翔天际。One is flying in the sky.

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这时候猪的哀嚎声,震于天际。The pig wailed off the ceiling.

虹横跨天际。The rainbow arches the heavens.

一道彩虹横跨天际。A rainbow arched across the sky.

只管看那星星和天际。Just look to the stars and beyond.

落霞消残,渐沉入西方的天际。As after sunset fadein in the west.

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但当朵朵云彩在天际飘过。But clouds that sail across the sky.

哦,飞,飞呀,翱翔于天际。Oh, fly, fly, so high against the sky.

欢迎来到天际之城!Welcome to Orbis, the land of the Sky!

当夕阳西下之时,天际被染成了红色。When the sun sets, the sky is dyed red.

我信!只管看那星星和天际。I do! Just look to the stars and beyond.

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从我们的脚边向整个南方的天际延伸。At our feet spread the whole of the south.

暴雨过后,天际出现了一抹飞虹。A rainbow presented itself after the storm.

我学会了飞翔,我能翱翔于天际了。I learned to fly, I can hover in the sky of.

蔚蓝的天际之上,“苍鹰”行动正在进行之中。The blue sky above, goshawk action is ongoing.

让我们比翼双飞到天际。新年快乐!Let's reach for the sky together. Happy New Year!

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天际出现了一抹紫红色的朝晖,像绽开的红玫瑰。The sky appears a red sun, like the blooming roses.

徐斌这位飞行爱好者,想要翱翔天际。Xu Bin, Flying Enthusiast, wanted to fly in the air.

她梦到自己游上海面,可以仰望心驰神往的漫漫天际。He dreamt a dream of swimming up to see the sky above.