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我们信以为真。We believed him.

不谙世事的谭小燕信以为真。Xiao-yan tan of believe.

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噢,她们信以为真了,普鲁登斯.No, they were supposed, Prudence.

不可只因常听人这麽说,就信以为真。Do not believe merely because it is hearsay.

林语慧信以为真,脸上升起担忧。Lin Yuhui face rising concern for gospel truth.

不可只因说者看似可信,就信以为真。Do not believe just because the speaker appears believable.

不可只因符合个人见解,就信以为真。Do not believe just because it fits with one's point of view.

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里德的记录明摆着,为什么还是有人信以为真呢?Given Reed's track record, why does anyone take him seriously?

大家信以为真,直到出现英国瓷罐的新闻。Or so it was believed until the news about the little English pots.

听柳瑞芳这么说,众人都信以为真,梅乙鹤也不再追究。Listen to LiuRuiFang say so, all true. MeiYiHe also no longer pursue.

不再对一些事情信以为真就能使情绪低落的一天慢慢消失。Not taking any of those things for granted can slowly turn around a down day.

赛尔夫用怀亚特的手机打给“将军”,并将录音播放给他听,“将军”信以为真,很满意。Self takes Wyatt's cell phone and plays the tape to Pad Man, who is satisfied.

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她脸上流露的不同意的神情是那么真实,连我都差点信以为真。The disapproval registered on her face was so real that I nearly thought it genuine.

您可能对这些宣传信以为真,并开始在考虑到敏捷性的情况下着手设计和规划。You may have bought into the hype and started designing and planning with agility in mind.

CNN在一个视频里集中报道了关于这些被信以为真的塔利班猴子的消息。CNN put together a full video report on the supposed Taliban monkeys.You can watch it here.

如果你对他们那些污蔑对方的话信以为真,那么你就谁的票也不会投了。If you believed all the nasty names they called each other, you wouldn't vote for either one.

她脸上流露的不同意的神情是那么真实,连我都差点信以为真。The disapproval registered on her face was so real that even I would have thought it genuine.

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赵王信以为真,就让赵括取代廉颇,统领全军。The king took it for true and appointed Zhao Kuo as the general commander in place of Lian Po.

葛眉巧用谎言欺骗夏晚晴,夏晚晴信以为真。GeMei use opportunely lies deceive summer sun yat sen villa, summer sun yat sen villa sumption.

随着贝兰托尼和斯特拉斯鲍夫的发现,米罗年科显然错误地相信了他信以为真的事情。In the wake of Bellantoni and Strausbaugh's findings, Mironenko's confidence was clearly misplaced.