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我弃权不投票。I _ from voting.

我签了弃权书。I signed the waiver.

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谁弃权了Who's abstaining here?

也有部分中央邦选民弃权。A number of MPs also abstained.

有一些人弃权了。And a few people that are abstaining.

“我们只需要办一张弃权证就行了。”魏尔伦说。“We just need a waiver,” Verlaine said.

玛格丽特拿起弃权声明书,扫视了一遍。She picked up the waiver and scanned it.

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再来一次,不能弃权,准备好了吗Let's try it again, no abstentions, right?

谁觉得未达到,好多人弃权了啊Who thinks less? A lot of abstentions here.

“我们只需要办一张弃权证就行了。”魏尔伦说。"How long does that shit take?" Abnesti said.

而在仰光,很多选民会选择弃权。In Rangoon, however, most voters will abstain.

另外十二位把他排除了,而四位弃权。Twelve others excluded him, and four abstained.

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三十七人弃权,一人没投票。Thirty-seven abstained and one didn't cast vote.

这次法国选举的特点是弃权的人多。Numerous abstentions marked the French elections.

这次表决结果通过,四人弃权。Then the vote is unanimous with four abstentions.

辩论结束投票时,他弃权了。He abstained from voting at the end of the debate.

由于对方球队未到,我队以其弃权而获胜。The other team didn't arrive, so our team won by default.

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决议以八十二票对十六票通过,十六票弃权。The resolution was approved 82 to 16 with 16 abstentions.

不能弃权,绝对不能弃权Not allowed to abstain in this class, it's a complete no-no.

在这次循环赛中,这位运动员由于受伤而弃权。The player defaulted in the tournament because of her injury.